Not to gross anybody out but this was the perfect revenge on a cheating boyfriend.
My boyfriend had just got a brand new pair of Air Jordans that he was sporting around the neighborhood he kept disappearing in the evenings making excuses as to why I couldn't accompany him.
One evening he had left his Air Jordans out on the back porch by the garage and it was beginning to rain. This is another evening of excuses to dodge me and go out so I knew something was up. Since he didn't wear his Air Jordans that night and it was beginning to rain and he left them outside I thought what the hell so I took his new shoes into the garage and I pissed in them, filling them up to the brim, let them soak for a little while before emptying their content and then putting them back out on the porch where they were rained on. Later on I brought them in the house and used a blow dryer to dry them well, and returned them to the porch. The next time he went to wear them with the intent of skipping out on me for another “ME ONLY” evening he was in for a very humiliating experience… cutting his evening plans way short and suddenly returning home. APPARENTLY, he was meeting up with a friend at someother friends home where several people where just hanging out and chillin’ until comments were being made regarding a “STENCH/FOUL ODER that the source of where it was coming from wasn't easily resolved until someone zeroed in on my boyfriends feet/shoes… in which he promptly exited his secret hookup gathering and bee-lined it for home completely mortified and embarrassed… man, did I love the unexpected way my revenge played out on the player! I HAVE NEVER REGRETTED MY ACTIONS THAT NIGHT and sometimes revenge really is sweet!… (when justified).