The story of my best revenge till date is as follow-
When I was in class 8, a new teacher came to teach us Maths. He was transferred from some other branch. Also a new admission took place and he was son of this Maths teacher. He used to teach well. His son was also good at studies. Used to answer in class quickly and all that stuff that toppers do. I was also good at studies, always used to be among the top 3 in the class. So at the end of the 8th class, we had a new topper who was this guy. In the 9th class also we got the same Maths teacher. Now this teacher had settled in the new environment, knew all the tips ans tricks of the school. So he started to show his true colours. He always used to give priority to his son. He used to check his paper at home and our paper in front of us and used to humiliate us in front of whole class. He used to cut marks without any reason so that we can't get the highest marks. This really decreased my confidence in this subject and I started to feel as if I was gonna score less marks in the final exam also. And as expected I got less marks and for the first time got thrown out of the top 3.
And yeah, I forgot to tell about the boy, he used to make fun of all the students, by showing his knowledge and marks. He used to ask marks of all the toppers and then used to pass comments like,”How could you even think of getting marks higher than me” and so on. So we get into the 10th class and the hype was already there that this is it, just pass it with flying colours and your life is set. And fortunately got another maths teacher that was pretty great,used to treat everyone equal and then the marks of that student start to decrease (not substantially), but he never got the highest marks in Maths. But unfortunately, our current Maths sir left the school and the previous teacher again got our class to teach us Maths and all those things started again. But one day I thought enough is enough. I started studying Maths on my own. And I really started enjoying it. I completed my course book within a week and then completed some side books. I was confident of getting good marks.
Finally the day of exam came, I was relaxed as I had prepared really well. On the other hand when I reached my centre, I saw that teacher giving some last minute instructions to his son and he looked somewhat tensed. Exam got over, it went well. Finally after few weeks, the results were announced. I was really tensed before seeing the result. And after numerous attempts when the webpage opened, I was more than thrilled to get the perfect 10 CGPA and that guy had got something 9.4 CGPA. And the irony was he got the lowest grades in Maths subject.
So this is how I got the best revenge until today.
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