I had moved to another state to take a job as a manufacturers rep. My largest customer had a female purchasing agent. I met with her to discuss issues they had with some billings. It was a large amount and it was interfering with us doing more business. I painstakingly cleaned up all the problem invoices. I took their salesperson into meet a large customer she couldn't get into and got her orders. I flew the salesperson and her new customer to our production plant first class. They were both excited they had never flown first class. They met with our product development people and made some changes to our product with their recommendations.
It was a big deal making both of us money. I saw the purchasing agent and she said so what you solved those problems we have some equipment that needs parts and they were backordered on a very hard to get product we made. I helped fix the equipment problem myself. I arranged a deal to get her 40 of the products she wanted by giving a deal to one of my customers getting the next batch. It was a five hundred thousand profit deal for them. Again I was feeling like I couldn't be doing a better job.
She had complained about me to my boss. When he came into town I brought him to see her thinking she would concede I had gone to much extra effort to take care of them. I asked her if I hadn't cleaned up the invoices, gotten them a new major account making them a lot of money and brokered a deal to push them to the front of the line. She said yes but your competitor went into one of the customers and talked them into buying $1100 worth of there products. She would have to stock there products now.
My boss became pissy with me about how I could let this happen. He was obsessed about this nothing order when I was killing it. So she still screwed me. I asked her why she had been such a jerk to me. It was because I brought everyone pizza, to the salesperson to our plant and out to dinner but never did anything for her. I had gotten the impression she would have been offended if I did that. Which was probably stupid to not have done on my part.
A recruiter contacted me to go to work for a better company who had a better r...