I destroyed a guy's car.
In college, I started dating a really nice white girl (actually the last white girl I dated) and we were exclusive.
Now, I'm in one city, she's in another for the summer. I rent a car to visit her. It's not a bad drive but not a good one so I normally do long weekends there.
Cue her “friend” Michael.
Michael spends the summer telling her how he's got connections, money, etc. I sensed something was up the first time I met him.
He had this creepy confidence that always rubs me wrong. Something about his handshake, how he looked at this girl, etc. He also keeps pointing out two things that make me want to smack him:
- I'm not white, I just can look white, and he can tell I'm not white
- All the Latinos ”around here” work in the fields.
So his big thing is his BMW convertible. One of those 4-seaters. I personally can't stand those things. I have a friend on one of the local town police departments I know run the guy as a personal favor. Suspicions confirmed, he's basically living at home, with Mom and Dad, working at Dad's business. Had an arrest for check fraud or two.
So he finally convinces gf to dump me and date him. She actually broke up with me over the phone, and he was coaching her on what to say. He fed her every lie you could imagine. He was going to get her modeling jobs (yeah right), he could pay her college off (nope), he had his own business (dad's business that he worked at)
Now, he is driving up to the city where the university is located. I see the girl from time to time. Once we're walking out of the student rec building casually talking, he's there and gives me this sh*t eating grin, makes a joke about how I'm supposed to be parking cars.
I take a mental note of his plate. Now, I have, through some back channels, access to a chemical compound called cadaverine. If you want to know what it does read this:
He's driving up in this BMW every other weekend to see her. Always parks in the same deck, same spot, leaving the top down.
I have my connection get me two large syringes with hypodermic needles and fill them with cadaverine. I'm driving through campus and there's his car. Top down.
It's late at night btw, very late. Both syringes go into the vents by the windshield and the A/C outlets. Syringes get dropped into a bathroom on campus with a “sharps” collector after being washed in a campus fountain.
I see the guy again, maybe a month later. Now he's got a beat up Dodge neon. Apparently he'd bought the car with an insane loan (like 96 mos) and while driving home flipped on the A/C since it started raining….
She broke up with him after finding out everything he'd told her was a lie, and he slapped her around for it. She actually came back to me, asking if I was interested in dating again, I asked her if she at least broke up with him in person.
We never got back together. He got arrested for forging more checks.