Back in about ‘84 I got hired at a very popular Country & Western bar as a “Bar Back” which is basically an Assistant to the Bartender. I applied for the job because I had just turned 21 the year before, it was near my apartment and I thought it would be an interesting way to meet pretty cowgirls (It was!) I really LOVED that job except for 1 thing: The owner was a complete RACIST A**** that would only get worse the more he DRANK. And he was one MEAN DRUNK! Whenever he would come in, if I was working, he would move me to the very back of the smaller of the 2 bars in the building and have me serve him while he proceeded to VERBALLY demean me for hours. He would say things like (out of earshot of any customers): “I don’t know why my manager hired a WETBACK like you! OR “ How does it feel to be a BEANER in America, BEANER?” OR “All you people are good for is picking fruit” and on & on. I’d never really experienced BLATANT bigotry before so although it was SHOCKING to hear, I put up with it because 1) I needed the job 2) the tips were GREAT! 3) I was working with some VERY COOL PEOPLE and 4) I was meeting lots of of pretty cowgirls! Nonetheless, I eventually got tired of his BS and decided to quit. (Before I proceed with the rest of the story I should point out that this particular bar was VERY POPULAR & VERY FAMOUS so they would often bring in up & coming stars OR those on their way down but that were still well known. Without fail, whenever we had a HEADLINER playing, the place would be PACKED and STANDING ROOM ONLY! No one got the night off if a Big Name Singer was playing. Anyway, for concerts like that, the “Owner” would put a big table near the front of the stage that would be roped off for just he & his friends. And guess who he would have make the drinks at his table while he let loose on his verbal insults?) Back to the story. As I said, I had decided to quit. When I told some of my co-workers, they tried to talk me out of it but I’d pretty much made up my mind as I’d had enough. At some point, I decided to throw a “farewell” party at my apartment when the subject of my decision to quit came up. That was when I came up with the PERFECT way to get some measure of REVENGE on this BIGOT so I shared it with my coworkers. They not only liked my idea but surprisingly, many of them offered to join in on my plan as well and not just be observers (By the way, I was not the only person that did not like the owner. Did I mention that he was also a SEXIST so he was on the S*** list of many of the waitresses there too for his lewd comments & always grabbing/touching them? Actually, most employees were in agreement that he was an A****** including {privately} most of his managers). So here’s what we did: On the night of the next BIG CONCERT, about a week after my farewell party, everyone showed up to work as usual. The bar was packed wall to wall. Of course, he’d set up his PERSONAL table in front of the stage while he & his buddies sat around getting DRUNK. There were about 25 regular employees working that night. Besides myself, around 10 others had also decided to participate in the fun (ALL the regular employees had been told about what was going to happen). So, about an hour before the concert was to start, I gave the signal and I and the other employees that had had enough of his S***, walked up to his table where he & his friends were getting PLASTERED and in UNISON said to him “Hey ****, this is for you” as we flipped him off and walked out the door and headed to my apartment to have one hell of a “Time to get a New Job” party!”. After the bar closed, a bunch of the the employees that did NOT quit came to the party to share with the rest of us all the details of what happened after we walked out. Needless to say, he was LIVID (and I assume, pretty EMBARRASSED) because instead of getting to WATCH the concert, he had to (while DRUNK) help the remaining employees handle the SURGE of customers that night, from serving to cleaning tables. And YES, I felt bad for the employees that could not afford to quit and had to stay and work that night. But I heard later that it had been worth it to them to see the owner get his comeuppance and actually have TO WORK FOR ONCE instead of just making everyone’s job miserable! I never did bother to pick up my last check, but oh well. I was PLEASANTLY SURPRISED as well as IMPRESSED that even though most everyone was in on the plan, no one spilled the beans at any point! In retrospect, other than the owner being an A******, I still fondly think of that job as one of the FUNNEST I’ve ever had. And my/our EXIT still makes me chuckle 35 years later!