I lived in England for a while with my teenaged daughter in a rooming house. One of the roommates we got to know was fun, her name was Sam. She asked us if we’d move to a better place with her. We did. After a couple weeks we found her behaviour was inappropriate, rude, nasty, vindictive to us and the other tenants of the 2nd rooming house.
You couldn’t speak to her about it as she just says sarcastic things back. She cheated on her boyfriend with one of the housemates, slept with others - this itself is not wrong or right, but she’d tell us how virtuous she was and how fantastic her boyfriend was.
Sam ate our food and had her ‘friend’ whom she disliked create a henna on both arms and hands (for hours) so she’d look good at a wedding, not pay the friend or even speak well of her. Why the friend didn’t know she wasn’t liked, I don’t know.
Her work was past my daughter’s bus stop for college. If my daughter missed her bus she’d ask if she could go with Sam to work as she drove right by. ‘No why would I want to do that, get there yourself, you made the mistake’. True but helping people out is also compassionate when it's on your way.
Sam was estranged from her family because they made her do chores at home. Yes, she left because of chores. While knowing her, she’d made up with her family. Sam’s family was excited so when they went to India they brought her back clothing, jewellery and other items. As she shows us the items, Sam is telling us how they are not good enough, her parents didn’t care enough to bring more for her, etc.
After a while, we couldn’t stand to look at her and we planned to move. My revenge was rather sweet and disgusting too. Sam ate individual cheesecake and often left a couple in the fridge. Before leaving I took dog poop very small amount as you’d smell it, and opened the package carefully and put it on the bottom between the cake and packaging, closed it up and done.
Soon after, one night she came to sit with us, brag and gossip, etc with a piece of cheesecake. I watched her eat it. Was the best night in her company ever. No, she never got sick as it was a tiny amount.
No one knew but me, and to this day I can still see her eating it. I saw her years later, being herself and just laughed as she didn’t recognise me.