Profile photo for Nick Moroso

This is long but IMO worth reading. My 'revenge' was purely accidental but none the less 1000% satisfying. One could not plan this, it was Karma all the way! I once had a department head who was such a tyrant that everyone avoided interaction with him at all costs. Lucky me, I had to deal with him daily as he was my direct supervisor. He was nasty from start to finish every day. I am pretty tolerant of poor to childish behavior in management, after all, the saying IS 'promote to the highest level of incompetence'. To this end, he was a GOD among incompetence with people skills bordering on those of Attila the Hun, his mentor no doubt. Anyway, as I said, I can be very tolerant of this behavior as I have found that most of those who exhibit same are usually compensating for short comings in life... My take anyway. So, I once purchased a used Dodge Ram Charger that needed much work, got it for a song as it is said. I went thru the mechanical issues and was moving thru the body work nightly and on weekends. This was my daily driver. As I arrived at work before most, I got my choice of parking so I parked two spaces away from the loading dock (NEVER take the space adjacent to the dock, EVER! lol.)
This dock, one of two, was within 30 feet of the front door. The tyrant now started having issue with my truck sporting a patch work of Light blue paint and primer. He came in after spotting same and, over the public address system demanded 'whoever is driving that piece of shit Ram Charger next to the dock, come to the kitchen!' All who knew I owned it were consoling me for the pending doom they anticipated I was in for as I passed. Some followed at a respectable distance. As I was to meet him in the kitchen and as he had no qualms about assaulting anyone and everyone in public, it was going to be just another one of 'Xxxxxx's lynching's' (name with held as I don't want to have to ask him for permission, lol.) I arrived to find him pacing circles in the kitchen. He went up one side and down the other about "that ugly P.O.S. that was parked so all customers could see it" adding "do you want our customers to think we don't pay our employees?" After the laughter died down and he thru most everyone out he continued... "move that P.O.S. around back where it will never be seen". Now, he was both my department head AND in charge of H.R. Again, LUCKY ME! I stated that I wasn't going to move it for a multitude of reasons. The first of which was there was no assigned parking for anyone (although most employees avoided parking anywhere near him). The second was that there was nothing wrong with a vehicle in primer as, if nothing else, it showed I cared for my truck and was repairing it. Third and most importantly (to me anyway) was that he had no right to demand this as there isn't anything at all in the employee hand book about parking. He stormed off. Now, before you say it, I know that I just kicked a sleeping RABID dog. This man made me HATE going into work on my THIRD DAY. I used to stay up late due to knowing when I awoke I had to go in to work and deal with this low life. The best days we had there were when he was on vacation, out sick or traveling for the company (honestly, better productivity was documented when he was out). So, one Spring day, as I was driving home, in the middle of about two weeks of rain, puddling everywhere, I was on the highway. My truck had VERY wide tires so it displaced copious amounts of rain water from said puddles. On the side of the road ahead I spotted a truck with doors open and the hood up. They were obviously having issues. As I approached, I was 'locked', unable to change lanes. I didn't know until I passed that it was the tyrant! It would seem that his BRAND NEW truck was having issues (but my 'P.O.S.' was running JUST FINE thank you!). Well, as I said, I was 'locked' into my lane, unable to move away. As I passed, he was 'baptized'with a wave of rain water. (I SWEAR this was NOT planned although, had I know it was him, I might not be able to say this now). I looked in my rear view mirror to see him wiping water out of his eyes. At this point I'm thinking I just handed him my resignation. When I returned home I sped up my quest for a new job, in process for a few weeks at that point as his poison was RUINING my health and I realized I needed to get out of there so I started looking thru my contacts. As this was Friday, I was hopeful that a weekend away would take the sting out of the incident. Monday morning I was a wreck. I put on m y best game face and walked into work. I did everything as I always had, starting with sitting in the kitchen, reading the paper. He walked in and as usual, didn't greet anyone. After getting coffee he sat down as he did and started a conversation with another manager. So, in his story, he lamented about how 'some woman in a station wagon drowned me and my truck'!!!!!????? Could I believe my ears? Did he really say it was the car BEHIND ME that got him!?!? I was 'safe' at this point. He told everyone what happened and that 'a woman in a station wagon' drowned him and his truck! A few days later I found that he had to have it towed (due to the break down, not the drowning) and that the dealership couldn't get it going because the instrument cluster was saturated with rain water. No, I didn't and don't feel he deserved that. He was an ass but that was more than he deserved. Fast forward a week. The repairs we NOT covered under warranty (go figure). His insurance company however DID cover it under 'accident' status. His 500 +/_- mile truck was TOTALLED. He bought the same model, one year newer, only to have the same issues with it dying as did his totaled truck. THIS he deserved. (Let's all hope, for my sake, he doesn't read Quora... not that it was deliberate nor that he has any recourse at this point. lol.)

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