Profile photo for Michelle - MAD PIRATE QUEEN

My Manager was forced to supply morning tea. #justice #donuts.

I’ve mentioned in a few stories what it was like working in this particular office. We glued stuff to each other's desks, glitter bombed and pranked one another and instituted various other forms of mockery. It was all very good-natured fun in a high performing office. We genuinely respected one another but that doesn’t mean we didn’t cherish moments of pure comeuppance.

Early in February (a couple of years ago), my Manager saunters in with a sh!t eating smirk on his face. He’s gleefully waving around a speeding fine notification.

My car. He makes a loud announcement that I’ve been a bad bad girl and proceeds to hold a guessing game with everyone as to how fast the car had been moving when it got snapped (because of course, he does). The fine was pretty sizable. since apparently, my car had been clocked moving at 114 km (or so) on a traffic camera.

This prompts laughter, cheers and much good-natured ribbing.

He then adopts a hilarious but incredibly pompous tone and proceeds to lecture me about misusing company property and how we have a professional brand and image to maintain, much to the delight and amusement of my traitorous team who were usually on the receiving end of my lectures about speeding. Then he finishes with a flourish by announcing that I owe him and my team morning tea as an apology and hands the fine over for payment with a bow and a wrist twirl…

Image source. Smee. #Speedygonzalesisontheright

He probably should have looked at the details on the fine before beginning his performance. I looked at the ticket, spotted the dates and the location and my grin got twice as big as his was.

He’d been driving a Dodge Journey SUV with an electrical fault at the time. The Dodge would suddenly lose all power and slowdown to 20kms an hour (top speed) before kicking back in again (it turned out to be an intermittent ‘Limp mode’ issue) and he’d forgotten that we’d swapped SUVs over Christmas so that he could tow his boat to Twizel without his car causing an issue… (that’s a story in and of itself!)→ but the t...

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