Profile photo for Nicole Sharp

So I didn't think I would have an answer for this but then I read another answer and realized I had a great story for you all.

So when I was 18 I bought a electric bike. It kinda look like a moped but it had pedals for when the battery died. Before I bought it I did my research. In my city, as long as I had a proper crash helmet and proof I was over 16 I could ride it anywhere a regular bicycle was allowed. I even printed off a bunch of stuff from our city bylaws and kept them in the bike just incase i was hassled.

Now bear in mind, my top speed was only 35. And that was on a perfect battery. This thing was used so I could maybe top 25 normally. Only getting to 35 immediately after I charged it and only for a half hour. The only time I went on the road were on the little backroad of my city where it's so quite kids can play street hockey.

One hot summer day i decided i would head over to the store and get a slurpee. I only had to drive for two minutes on the back road to get to it. I turn the first corner and noticed in my side mirror a car coming up behind me, so i do what i always do, i pull over as much as i can to the point I'm in the gutter. This ASSHOLE cuts me off to the point that even slamming on the brakes and swerving was almost not good enough. As I came up beside his drivers door he screams at me that I shouldn't be on the road (typing this out has made me think about what he has done to other people on bikes.) Along with a few other obscenities that i dont really want to say.

Now here's the really funny part of this story. When he cut me off, he made a turn down a street that looped back around to the same street we were on. So after I went and got my slurpee I went home and told my dad about it. He wanted to go and find the guy and throttle him but I convinced him I would handle it. I had a very interesting life at that point and I didn't take crap from people like that jerk.

Reminder people, I was 18 at the time. Looking back now I would have gone a different route. Maybe called the cops or something. But I was a new adult teenager who did not like the law because she had seen them taking advantage us the people in my area too much because we were in “the hood"

I went to the library and photocopied all of the papers I had on the rules of my bike and went back home and waited. At around 2 am I left my house and walked down to that street. Only took a couple minutes to find that piece of crap rust bucket hatch back. I then proceeded to use some adhesive spray and plaster those papers all over the doors and hood of that car. Took special care to make sure they all lined up nice and neat. (Honestly it looked kinda cool when I was done because I had extra copies to make sure you could not see any paint underneath) I even cut out where the handles were and all that. Then i calmly walked back home and went to bed.

A week later I was driving to the store and seen a moving truck there. Being the ass I was I got another slurpee and drove back right in front of his house while drinking it. We made eye contact as I drove by and he never said a word to me. (I was kinda shitting bricks when he saw me but I tried to not show it) I never saw him again and I never heard anything about it. I never got pictures because this was when cellphones with cameras where just coming into style and were really expensive.

I did make my dad drive down there so he could see what i did and I never seen him laugh so hard.

Edit: I cant believe over a thousand people have enjoyed this answer. And 21k views! I'm shocked and amazed at it. Thank you all so much! And I really enjoy reading the comments.

Have a wonderful day

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