I lived in a townhouse with one shared wall. When I moved in, the neighbors were a very quiet couple, never heard a peep out of them. They moved out a year later - and 3 single male construction workers moved in. They played obnoxiously loud music at all hours of the day and night. Complicating matters - I had a 3 year old, and was pregnant with my second child. So sleep was a need.
My wusband (nicer than saying ex-husband because he WAS my husband at the time) politely went next door to ask them to turn down the music - several times. It got to where they wouldn’t answer the door when he went over there. We called the police several times - and they wouldn’t answer the door for the police either.
The situation was wretched - and I began looking for ways to get the message across. One night - they left their garage door open during a particularly loud jam session. I had already gone to bed, and was wearing a huge maternity nightgown - because - I was hugely pregnant. I quickly snuck into their garage, and flipped the breaker switch. And scurried back to my side of the townhouse quietly. They figured it out the next morning. And did their party thing the next night - and I repeated the process. After that they left the garage door shut.
Around this time, I had the baby I was expecting. My wusband and I decided to take the kids and visit a friend for a few hours on a Saturday when we knew all of the neighbors were home sleeping off their Friday night party. Before we left, we moved both of the stereo speakers over to the shared wall, and turned on some super loud heavy metal music to share with said neighbors. And left. We did this several more weekends.
The construction workers broke their lease and left a couple of months later.
And no, they never said a word to us.