I was terminated without notice only to be offered my job back for significant less than I was making. I declined and filed an unpaid wage claim costing them over $12,000 in damages due to me.
Worked for a Co. that terminated me at end of day on a Monday without notice or reasoning other than, "It just wasn't working out;" but was promised to be paid the rest of the week as a courtesy severance for the inconvenience. Wanted to stay professional, so I complied and thanked them for opportunity. I was allowed some time to pack up my things and head out.
I handled all payroll and AR/AP but wasn't pr
I was terminated without notice only to be offered my job back for significant less than I was making. I declined and filed an unpaid wage claim costing them over $12,000 in damages due to me.
Worked for a Co. that terminated me at end of day on a Monday without notice or reasoning other than, "It just wasn't working out;" but was promised to be paid the rest of the week as a courtesy severance for the inconvenience. Wanted to stay professional, so I complied and thanked them for opportunity. I was allowed some time to pack up my things and head out.
I handled all payroll and AR/AP but wasn't presented final check upon termination and even offered to do it before I left but was told it would be mailed to me. Fast forward 6 days and I receive a text message from former employer urging me to return their call as soon as possible.
I called the next day and was offered my job back for $10,000 less per year than I originally was hired for and was told a few duties would be taken off my work load. It was insulting and I asked to think about it but asked about my final check prior to ending call and they asked me to go pick it up from office. I was out of town for a few days so made arrangements to pick up the following week (now 14 days after term).
I arrive and was presented with a check. I open it and say that it's incorrect. They apologize and agree to have an amended one in mail next day. I offered to wait but they had an "interview coming shortly."
I waited 7 more days before filing a wage claim for the final check. I end up receiving a final check for the one day of that week a few days after but didn't include my vacation time / PTO, the severance, or penalty for late payment.
After 8 months, we were granted a hearing where they were ordered to pay me for 30 full days salary as penalty, all vacation and PTO, adjusted benefits, and severance as promised.
Employer called me an extortionist, and Labor Board representative interrupted their tirade to say "No, that's the law. You should be happy he didn't sue you for retaliation, well, he still can. So maybe you should lay off the insults and direct that energy to educating yourself and finding counsel."
It was vindicating.
Not me, but an over the road truck driver that I know.
He was fired for dropping off freight at an agency in New Jersey because his tractor trailer combination was too long for the streets in New York City.
But HQ didn’t tell him when he dropped off the load. They apparently decided to fire him when the agency submitted bills for redelivery.
The agency filled out his semi-trailer and he left heading west to make multiple deliveries.
HQ called him a day or two later and fired him over the phone. But they didn’t mention his load. The agency didn’t know HQ was going to fire him.
So he left the company
Not me, but an over the road truck driver that I know.
He was fired for dropping off freight at an agency in New Jersey because his tractor trailer combination was too long for the streets in New York City.
But HQ didn’t tell him when he dropped off the load. They apparently decided to fire him when the agency submitted bills for redelivery.
The agency filled out his semi-trailer and he left heading west to make multiple deliveries.
HQ called him a day or two later and fired him over the phone. But they didn’t mention his load. The agency didn’t know HQ was going to fire him.
So he left the company semi trailer (he owned the tractor) in a truck stop parking lot.
Somewhere between Ohio (where he made a delivery) and… well… presumably Oklahoma where he lived.
And the company didn’t notice for two days… And he ditched their calls for the next day… And he had a sudden bout of amnesia when he did speak to them. Gee, those truck stops all look the same.
Sure, they found the semi trailer. It had the company’s name painted in huge letters on the side. But it took hundreds of phone calls to truck stops and other drivers. And everything was late.
I was fired from a head chef position due to the another chef after my job so she was in the bosses ear talking shit and telling him she could save him more money then me.. so I got the flick and the second chef quite. and the woman who became head chef didn't last a month .she had no idea the hell i had to deal with the owner / manager a who had no clue how to run a restaurant a.she couldn't deal with him nd left him in the learch with no kitchen staff. Then they hired a young guy.. and raved about him..thought he was the bees knees.. until he ripped them off and walked out in the middle of s
I was fired from a head chef position due to the another chef after my job so she was in the bosses ear talking shit and telling him she could save him more money then me.. so I got the flick and the second chef quite. and the woman who became head chef didn't last a month .she had no idea the hell i had to deal with the owner / manager a who had no clue how to run a restaurant a.she couldn't deal with him nd left him in the learch with no kitchen staff. Then they hired a young guy.. and raved about him..thought he was the bees knees.. until he ripped them off and walked out in the middle of service with a restaurant full of hungry customers. And he owner had to sell business. . karma took care of that one perfectly 👌
A relative of mine came to Canada and as a new comer, he started working in a restaurant which paid him in cash. He was making 8$/hour when minimum payment was 14$/hour. Since he couldn't find any better job anywhere other than factory which are very labour intensive, he worked there for 2 years before they fired him over no reason. When they dismissed him from the work, they still owed him nearly 2 months of pay. The restaurant owner started toying with him for months and wouldn't pay his money. Then I hear about it from him then realized, some of these scam bag taking advantage of new comers
A relative of mine came to Canada and as a new comer, he started working in a restaurant which paid him in cash. He was making 8$/hour when minimum payment was 14$/hour. Since he couldn't find any better job anywhere other than factory which are very labour intensive, he worked there for 2 years before they fired him over no reason. When they dismissed him from the work, they still owed him nearly 2 months of pay. The restaurant owner started toying with him for months and wouldn't pay his money. Then I hear about it from him then realized, some of these scam bag taking advantage of new comers like him who aren't very much aware of labour laws in Canada. Then I filed a case in Labour board and got him payment for 2 years as a regular minimum payment which was around 10k. After that in few months restaurant closed down. I heard the restaurant partners had a bad fight over that money since no one wanted to take responsibility for the loss. Also 2 other workers filed labour dispute agaist the restaurant as well, so they all got their money. It was a very satisfying moment for me. They very much deserved that fate.
Kind of petty but when I was in high school, I worked for a fast food restaurant. The manager didn’t much like me. I don’t know why. I just wasn’t in with some of the other kids he seemed to favor. One day we all left earlier than we should’ve. The manager got mad and fired all of us. He reconsidered and hired everybody back except for me. It was a part-time job and we all used to have to fight for extra hours because our paychecks were always so small anyway. So, I was kind of, “meh” about it but also a little bummed to be left out.
Summer was just starting, and a few weeks later I was able to
Kind of petty but when I was in high school, I worked for a fast food restaurant. The manager didn’t much like me. I don’t know why. I just wasn’t in with some of the other kids he seemed to favor. One day we all left earlier than we should’ve. The manager got mad and fired all of us. He reconsidered and hired everybody back except for me. It was a part-time job and we all used to have to fight for extra hours because our paychecks were always so small anyway. So, I was kind of, “meh” about it but also a little bummed to be left out.
Summer was just starting, and a few weeks later I was able to find a job with the government where I could work full-time until school started back up again. The day I got paid with my first full-time paycheck, I made it a point to go to that restaurant and order something. When it was time to pay, I took out this big wad of cash to count the money from. My old coworkers’ eyes lit up, and they started asking me where I got the money. I told them how I had a much better job where I didn’t have to fight for hours and got paid more than three times what I got paid working at the restaurant. I made sure the manager who didn’t rehire me was within earshot when I announced this. Of course, I didn’t tell anyone the job was only for the summer. There was no need to share that little detail. LOL.
Where do I start?
I’m a huge financial nerd, and have spent an embarrassing amount of time talking to people about their money habits.
Here are the biggest mistakes people are making and how to fix them:
Not having a separate high interest savings account
Having a separate account allows you to see the results of all your hard work and keep your money separate so you're less tempted to spend it.
Plus with rates above 5.00%, the interest you can earn compared to most banks really adds up.
Here is a list of the top savings accounts available today. Deposit $5 before moving on because this is one of th
Where do I start?
I’m a huge financial nerd, and have spent an embarrassing amount of time talking to people about their money habits.
Here are the biggest mistakes people are making and how to fix them:
Not having a separate high interest savings account
Having a separate account allows you to see the results of all your hard work and keep your money separate so you're less tempted to spend it.
Plus with rates above 5.00%, the interest you can earn compared to most banks really adds up.
Here is a list of the top savings accounts available today. Deposit $5 before moving on because this is one of the biggest mistakes and easiest ones to fix.
Overpaying on car insurance
You’ve heard it a million times before, but the average American family still overspends by $417/year on car insurance.
If you’ve been with the same insurer for years, chances are you are one of them.
Pull up Coverage.com, a free site that will compare prices for you, answer the questions on the page, and it will show you how much you could be saving.
That’s it. You’ll likely be saving a bunch of money. Here’s a link to give it a try.
Consistently being in debt
If you’ve got $10K+ in debt (credit cards…medical bills…anything really) you could use a debt relief program and potentially reduce by over 20%.
Here’s how to see if you qualify:
Head over to this Debt Relief comparison website here, then simply answer the questions to see if you qualify.
It’s as simple as that. You’ll likely end up paying less than you owed before and you could be debt free in as little as 2 years.
Missing out on free money to invest
It’s no secret that millionaires love investing, but for the rest of us, it can seem out of reach.
Times have changed. There are a number of investing platforms that will give you a bonus to open an account and get started. All you have to do is open the account and invest at least $25, and you could get up to $1000 in bonus.
Pretty sweet deal right? Here is a link to some of the best options.
Having bad credit
A low credit score can come back to bite you in so many ways in the future.
From that next rental application to getting approved for any type of loan or credit card, if you have a bad history with credit, the good news is you can fix it.
Head over to BankRate.com and answer a few questions to see if you qualify. It only takes a few minutes and could save you from a major upset down the line.
How to get started
Hope this helps! Here are the links to get started:
Have a separate savings account
Stop overpaying for car insurance
Finally get out of debt
Start investing with a free bonus
Fix your credit
I was an automotive tech for a few years. The last position I held with that title was at a crappy little locally owned oil and lube shop. Now after a few years in the industry I had accumulated quite the knowledge of OSHA AND EPA standards that the automotive industry has in place.
The owner of this business is not a good man. We’re talking big game hunting trips to Africa, only gave charity for tax-breaks, and somehow ZERO empathy for people as a whole. His holiday bonuses were 25$ gift cards…. to his own store.
Now the manager of this particular location happened to be the nephew of the owner
I was an automotive tech for a few years. The last position I held with that title was at a crappy little locally owned oil and lube shop. Now after a few years in the industry I had accumulated quite the knowledge of OSHA AND EPA standards that the automotive industry has in place.
The owner of this business is not a good man. We’re talking big game hunting trips to Africa, only gave charity for tax-breaks, and somehow ZERO empathy for people as a whole. His holiday bonuses were 25$ gift cards…. to his own store.
Now the manager of this particular location happened to be the nephew of the owner. This guys favorite line was “(if you don’t do xyz) you can take it to the house (fired)”.
I guess he could tell that every employee was turning against him, as we were all one day pulled one by one into the office to have a “talk about morale”. Two of us mechanics were already talking about starting our own small shop, taking our loyal customers with us (they would tell us that whenever we left they would stay with us)
I guess nephew found out and was none-too-happy about it. The talks were really him just trying to weasel out of anyone if we (myself and mechanic #2) were stealing business from the company (not yet!). The next day we both received a call informing us that we were suspended for two weeks due to the smell of “whiskey” on our breath (which there wasn’t). This was their way of not having to pay unemployment.
Immediately I got on the horn with the EPA, informing them that this s.o.b instructed us to dump oil and oil filters, antifreeze, differential fluid, and transmission fluid into the dumpster. Then a call to OSHA to let them know about all the standing oil in the bays, exposed electrical components, and shoddy additions to the building.
I got a text from my friend that still worked there two days ago to let me know OSHA showed up and they had to degrease the entire garage, fix the awnings, and electricians were wrapping up the wires.
A day later found out that the EPA had hit this bastard with a huuuuge fine.
Two months later all locations were sold off.
edit: I’m not sure what proper Quora etiquette is, but thanks for all the up votes! I didn’t think it would get that high!
Actually I wasn’t fired, but my direct supervisor made working there impossible unless one were in her circle of friends. The day after I left I started getting calls from that office, asking about various things. I told them that I would get back to them, and sent an e-mail to corporate and to the management in our area. I let them know that from that time forward that I would be happy to help but my fee was $150.00 per hour with a minimum four hours charge and that the clock started ticking the minute that I answered a call or opened an e-mail.
So the next day I got a call and helped the call
Actually I wasn’t fired, but my direct supervisor made working there impossible unless one were in her circle of friends. The day after I left I started getting calls from that office, asking about various things. I told them that I would get back to them, and sent an e-mail to corporate and to the management in our area. I let them know that from that time forward that I would be happy to help but my fee was $150.00 per hour with a minimum four hours charge and that the clock started ticking the minute that I answered a call or opened an e-mail.
So the next day I got a call and helped the caller with their issues. I then sent an electronic invoice to corporate. They called and said it was only a ten-minute call and they were willing to pay me twenty dollars. I reminded them of the e-mail and told them if I didn’t receive payment in full ($600.00) within thirty days I would notify the credit reporting agencies and start legal proceedings. Three days later a check arrived, FedEx next-day delivery, signature required, and strangely enough I have yet to receive another call or e-mail from any of their employees. I can’t imagine why…lol.
Here’s the thing: I wish I had known these money secrets sooner. They’ve helped so many people save hundreds, secure their family’s future, and grow their bank accounts—myself included.
And honestly? Putting them to use was way easier than I expected. I bet you can knock out at least three or four of these right now—yes, even from your phone.
Don’t wait like I did. Go ahead and start using these money secrets today!
1. Cancel Your Car Insurance
You might not even realize it, but your car insurance company is probably overcharging you. In fact, they’re kind of counting on you not noticing. Luckily,
Here’s the thing: I wish I had known these money secrets sooner. They’ve helped so many people save hundreds, secure their family’s future, and grow their bank accounts—myself included.
And honestly? Putting them to use was way easier than I expected. I bet you can knock out at least three or four of these right now—yes, even from your phone.
Don’t wait like I did. Go ahead and start using these money secrets today!
1. Cancel Your Car Insurance
You might not even realize it, but your car insurance company is probably overcharging you. In fact, they’re kind of counting on you not noticing. Luckily, this problem is easy to fix.
Don’t waste your time browsing insurance sites for a better deal. A company called Insurify shows you all your options at once — people who do this save up to $996 per year.
If you tell them a bit about yourself and your vehicle, they’ll send you personalized quotes so you can compare them and find the best one for you.
Tired of overpaying for car insurance? It takes just five minutes to compare your options with Insurify and see how much you could save on car insurance.
2. Ask This Company to Get a Big Chunk of Your Debt Forgiven
A company called National Debt Relief could convince your lenders to simply get rid of a big chunk of what you owe. No bankruptcy, no loans — you don’t even need to have good credit.
If you owe at least $10,000 in unsecured debt (credit card debt, personal loans, medical bills, etc.), National Debt Relief’s experts will build you a monthly payment plan. As your payments add up, they negotiate with your creditors to reduce the amount you owe. You then pay off the rest in a lump sum.
On average, you could become debt-free within 24 to 48 months. It takes less than a minute to sign up and see how much debt you could get rid of.
3. You Can Become a Real Estate Investor for as Little as $10
Take a look at some of the world’s wealthiest people. What do they have in common? Many invest in large private real estate deals. And here’s the thing: There’s no reason you can’t, too — for as little as $10.
An investment called the Fundrise Flagship Fund lets you get started in the world of real estate by giving you access to a low-cost, diversified portfolio of private real estate. The best part? You don’t have to be the landlord. The Flagship Fund does all the heavy lifting.
With an initial investment as low as $10, your money will be invested in the Fund, which already owns more than $1 billion worth of real estate around the country, from apartment complexes to the thriving housing rental market to larger last-mile e-commerce logistics centers.
Want to invest more? Many investors choose to invest $1,000 or more. This is a Fund that can fit any type of investor’s needs. Once invested, you can track your performance from your phone and watch as properties are acquired, improved, and operated. As properties generate cash flow, you could earn money through quarterly dividend payments. And over time, you could earn money off the potential appreciation of the properties.
So if you want to get started in the world of real-estate investing, it takes just a few minutes to sign up and create an account with the Fundrise Flagship Fund.
This is a paid advertisement. Carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the Fundrise Real Estate Fund before investing. This and other information can be found in the Fund’s prospectus. Read them carefully before investing.
4. Earn Up to $50 this Month By Answering Survey Questions About the News — It’s Anonymous
The news is a heated subject these days. It’s hard not to have an opinion on it.
Good news: A website called YouGov will pay you up to $50 or more this month just to answer survey questions about politics, the economy, and other hot news topics.
Plus, it’s totally anonymous, so no one will judge you for that hot take.
When you take a quick survey (some are less than three minutes), you’ll earn points you can exchange for up to $50 in cash or gift cards to places like Walmart and Amazon. Plus, Penny Hoarder readers will get an extra 500 points for registering and another 1,000 points after completing their first survey.
It takes just a few minutes to sign up and take your first survey, and you’ll receive your points immediately.
5. Stop Paying Your Credit Card Company
If you have credit card debt, you know. The anxiety, the interest rates, the fear you’re never going to escape… but a website called AmONE wants to help.
If you owe your credit card companies $100,000 or less, AmONE will match you with a low-interest loan you can use to pay off every single one of your balances.
The benefit? You’ll be left with one bill to pay each month. And because personal loans have lower interest rates (AmONE rates start at 6.40% APR), you’ll get out of debt that much faster.
It takes less than a minute and just 10 questions to see what loans you qualify for.
6. Earn Up to $225 This Month Playing Games on Your Phone
Ever wish you could get paid just for messing around with your phone? Guess what? You totally can.
Swagbucks will pay you up to $225 a month just for installing and playing games on your phone. That’s it. Just download the app, pick the games you like, and get to playing. Don’t worry; they’ll give you plenty of games to choose from every day so you won’t get bored, and the more you play, the more you can earn.
This might sound too good to be true, but it’s already paid its users more than $429 million. You won’t get rich playing games on Swagbucks, but you could earn enough for a few grocery trips or pay a few bills every month. Not too shabby, right?
Ready to get paid while you play? Download and install the Swagbucks app today, and see how much you can earn!
I don't remember the year, early 2000’s, I was working for a small game company. They were having trouble and we knew it, but they were up front about what was going on with sales and stuff, so we weren't worried. They had missed payroll a couple times, but always made it up by the next paycheck. We liked the job, believed in the games, and liked our coworkers, so we hung in hoping it would get better.
Until the monday we showed up and the doors were locked. I don't know what all happened, but they were in much worse shape than they had let on. I never got my last 2 paychecks, so they owed me s
I don't remember the year, early 2000’s, I was working for a small game company. They were having trouble and we knew it, but they were up front about what was going on with sales and stuff, so we weren't worried. They had missed payroll a couple times, but always made it up by the next paycheck. We liked the job, believed in the games, and liked our coworkers, so we hung in hoping it would get better.
Until the monday we showed up and the doors were locked. I don't know what all happened, but they were in much worse shape than they had let on. I never got my last 2 paychecks, so they owed me something like $8k, which was a lot for me at the time. I called one of the owners and he said “Sorry! The money is gone, they've liquidated everything to pay off debts, and there's nothing left.”
A month goes by, and one day I get a phone call. It was one of the owners asking if I knew what happened to a particular computer. What had happened to it was I had taken it home over the weekend to compile and run some renders (which I did from time to time, they knew about it), and when I showed up Monday I didn't have a job anymore, so I just put it under my desk and forgot it. But what I told him was “No, I really don't know where it could've gotten off to, but I also don't know where my last two paychecks are either. Maybe it got liquidated with them? I'll tell you what, though, if my last two paychecks were to show up and clear the bank, I might be motivated to try to find out what happened to that machine with the entire code base, all the model files and textures, and all the storyboards on it.”
Three days later I got an envelope from FedEx with a personal check for everything they owed me, and a note saying “The hard drive is sufficient" and an address. I mailed them the drive after the check cleared.
I worked security at a gold mine. In the normal performance of my duties, I got stuck in a wash on the outskirts and had to have a tow truck pull me out. The patrol vehicle suffered minor damage. My boss didn’t investigate until after three days had passed, and a rainstorm had obliterated most of my evidence. He accused me of lying and fired me.
The day after my firing, I was called to the Imperial County Sheriff’s Department to talk to the FBI about a theft that had occurred at the mine a few months earlier. I was not a person of interest in the theft, as I had been cleared a month before.
I worked security at a gold mine. In the normal performance of my duties, I got stuck in a wash on the outskirts and had to have a tow truck pull me out. The patrol vehicle suffered minor damage. My boss didn’t investigate until after three days had passed, and a rainstorm had obliterated most of my evidence. He accused me of lying and fired me.
The day after my firing, I was called to the Imperial County Sheriff’s Department to talk to the FBI about a theft that had occurred at the mine a few months earlier. I was not a person of interest in the theft, as I had been cleared a month before.
Because I had worked security at the mine longer than anyone (including my supervisor), they (who I had shown how the theft could have occurred) had some loose ends to tie up to wrap up the investigation.
Through questioning, it became abundantly clear that the person they had arrested had to have help stationed nearby. I suggested that the alleged thief was a good friend of my supervisor, and to look my supervisor’s general direction.
Not sure on all the details, but they cast that gaze…and were able to piece together that the supervisor had been involved as well.
One arrest later, and he accepted a plea deal in return for full cooperation.
I lost my job. He lost his freedom for 5 years.
I’d say I came out the winner in this case.
I once met a man who drove a modest Toyota Corolla, wore beat-up sneakers, and looked like he’d lived the same way for decades. But what really caught my attention was when he casually mentioned he was retired at 45 with more money than he could ever spend. I couldn’t help but ask, “How did you do it?”
He smiled and said, “The secret to saving money is knowing where to look for the waste—and car insurance is one of the easiest places to start.”
He then walked me through a few strategies that I’d never thought of before. Here’s what I learned:
1. Make insurance companies fight for your business
I once met a man who drove a modest Toyota Corolla, wore beat-up sneakers, and looked like he’d lived the same way for decades. But what really caught my attention was when he casually mentioned he was retired at 45 with more money than he could ever spend. I couldn’t help but ask, “How did you do it?”
He smiled and said, “The secret to saving money is knowing where to look for the waste—and car insurance is one of the easiest places to start.”
He then walked me through a few strategies that I’d never thought of before. Here’s what I learned:
1. Make insurance companies fight for your business
Most people just stick with the same insurer year after year, but that’s what the companies are counting on. This guy used tools like Coverage.com to compare rates every time his policy came up for renewal. It only took him a few minutes, and he said he’d saved hundreds each year by letting insurers compete for his business.
Click here to try Coverage.com and see how much you could save today.
2. Take advantage of safe driver programs
He mentioned that some companies reward good drivers with significant discounts. By signing up for a program that tracked his driving habits for just a month, he qualified for a lower rate. “It’s like a test where you already know the answers,” he joked.
You can find a list of insurance companies offering safe driver discounts here and start saving on your next policy.
3. Bundle your policies
He bundled his auto insurance with his home insurance and saved big. “Most companies will give you a discount if you combine your policies with them. It’s easy money,” he explained. If you haven’t bundled yet, ask your insurer what discounts they offer—or look for new ones that do.
4. Drop coverage you don’t need
He also emphasized reassessing coverage every year. If your car isn’t worth much anymore, it might be time to drop collision or comprehensive coverage. “You shouldn’t be paying more to insure the car than it’s worth,” he said.
5. Look for hidden fees or overpriced add-ons
One of his final tips was to avoid extras like roadside assistance, which can often be purchased elsewhere for less. “It’s those little fees you don’t think about that add up,” he warned.
The Secret? Stop Overpaying
The real “secret” isn’t about cutting corners—it’s about being proactive. Car insurance companies are counting on you to stay complacent, but with tools like Coverage.com and a little effort, you can make sure you’re only paying for what you need—and saving hundreds in the process.
If you’re ready to start saving, take a moment to:
- Compare rates now on Coverage.com
- Check if you qualify for safe driver discounts
- Reevaluate your coverage today
Saving money on auto insurance doesn’t have to be complicated—you just have to know where to look. If you'd like to support my work, feel free to use the links in this post—they help me continue creating valuable content.
I wouldn’t say revenge, but the new manager hoisted her own petard and was caught up in it.
She eliminated my position as a cost saving measure, and as I was clearing out my stuff, I mentioned to her that she’d need to contract snow removal, as I was the guy that did the shovelling, scraping and salting. “Oh.”, she said, “I never thought of that.”
I was laid off right before winter snow arrives, and this is the sort of contract that one needs to arrange several months in advance, and the cost to have sidewalks cleared promptly and preferably before business hours was likely greater than my month
I wouldn’t say revenge, but the new manager hoisted her own petard and was caught up in it.
She eliminated my position as a cost saving measure, and as I was clearing out my stuff, I mentioned to her that she’d need to contract snow removal, as I was the guy that did the shovelling, scraping and salting. “Oh.”, she said, “I never thought of that.”
I was laid off right before winter snow arrives, and this is the sort of contract that one needs to arrange several months in advance, and the cost to have sidewalks cleared promptly and preferably before business hours was likely greater than my monthly salary.
Everyone else in the office were petite women who had to be absolutely immaculately groomed, and sweat and scent free, and shovelling snow was well below their pay grade and skill set anyway.
I was hit with long covid, I made the mistake of mentioning it at work. Of course they said “take the time you need, dont worry about it. I had to take time off here and there but I kept up with my work load which was heavy. Then they fired me, right in the zoom call I asked “why?” my director hung up and I was never told.
But i did hear from others that he blamed my performance and some specific things I said I was going to do but didnt. I was forwarded a group email where the director stated this. It was a direct slam against my reputation in this small industry that is career destroying.
I was hit with long covid, I made the mistake of mentioning it at work. Of course they said “take the time you need, dont worry about it. I had to take time off here and there but I kept up with my work load which was heavy. Then they fired me, right in the zoom call I asked “why?” my director hung up and I was never told.
But i did hear from others that he blamed my performance and some specific things I said I was going to do but didnt. I was forwarded a group email where the director stated this. It was a direct slam against my reputation in this small industry that is career destroying.
They also offered me below my entitled severance, I weighed my options, the gains I would have made hiring a lawyer would have been negated by the lawyers fees, so I decided to give it a kick at the can on my own. They dragged their feet, did offer a token increase.
Just as I was about to cave, I happened to read about a court decision that shot down a clause in an employment contract that was so egregious that it invalidated the whole employment contract. I had the exact same clause in my contract (I think it was too broad of a non-compete clause) but that didnt matter. What mattered is that it invalidated my contract. One of the clauses it invalidated was the NDA and that you cant publicly disparage the company.
So I responded with the case law and that I would be taking to twitter and instagram to layout the pathetic email and how they used that as cover to fire someone with long covid. This company lived and died on social media. They didnt drag their feet in responding. The offered me 8 weeks severance instead of the orginal 2 and this director had to publicly apologize to everyone on that email disparaging me.
I have only been fired once in my entire adult life. I was working as a Case Manager for a national company with remote digital presence, but no brick and mortar offices in our state. Another local nurse wanted my position and started planting weevils in ears up the chain of command. Long story short she was committing a bunch of tomfoolery and blaming it on me without my knowledge at the time.
She got my position, but was fired within 3 months because she was caught committing aforementioned tomfoolery. Her misdeeds were of such a nature as to make finding another job within the field very dif
I have only been fired once in my entire adult life. I was working as a Case Manager for a national company with remote digital presence, but no brick and mortar offices in our state. Another local nurse wanted my position and started planting weevils in ears up the chain of command. Long story short she was committing a bunch of tomfoolery and blaming it on me without my knowledge at the time.
She got my position, but was fired within 3 months because she was caught committing aforementioned tomfoolery. Her misdeeds were of such a nature as to make finding another job within the field very difficult. She was caught partially because her accusations caused a state level investigation and audit. Which cleared me and cost her, her job. Brilliant planning on her part.
Fast forward 2 years and she applies for a job at another local facility. One that I happen to be the associate clinical director at. She has been on a suspended license with remediation and stipulations after reactivation, and basically unable to work for 2 years. She walked in to the interview, saw me sitting behind the desk, whispered “Oh, Shit!” and just ran out of the building. I didn't have to say a word.
Had a boss at a company who was extremely dishonest and extremely condescending. He ass-kissed up and shat down. The CEO who had sold the company was ultimately pushed out; he took me out for a beer and apologized for hiring this manager.
Finally I couldn’t deal with it anymore and quit. Moved on to another company.
9 months later this same manager was out on the market and he came to interview at my new place. His interviews had gone well, and since I was already there, they called me in as an “internal reference”.
I said “you can do what you want, but if you hire him I turn in my notice. Same m
Had a boss at a company who was extremely dishonest and extremely condescending. He ass-kissed up and shat down. The CEO who had sold the company was ultimately pushed out; he took me out for a beer and apologized for hiring this manager.
Finally I couldn’t deal with it anymore and quit. Moved on to another company.
9 months later this same manager was out on the market and he came to interview at my new place. His interviews had gone well, and since I was already there, they called me in as an “internal reference”.
I said “you can do what you want, but if you hire him I turn in my notice. Same minute.”
They asked why, and I told him all about my experience with him.
Then the HR guy said “Can’t you think of *anything* nice to say about him? Not even that he was smart?”
I said “That’s one of the worst parts - he *is* smart enough to know better than to behave as he does. That just makes it worse.”
Working ATM Service for 5 years. Top tech week after week. Worked 7 days a week. Wrote procedures, training manuals, trained new techs, anything the boss wanted I got. They changed managers and try as much as I can, this guy does not want to get along. Ex-military thinks he's still in. He was trying to get rid of everyone that had been there. Took him a year to manufacture a reason to fire me. When I filed for unemployment, he decided to challenge it. Everything was conference call on the phone. The workforce person ramrodding it asked questions. Him then me. All I did was agree with all his a
Working ATM Service for 5 years. Top tech week after week. Worked 7 days a week. Wrote procedures, training manuals, trained new techs, anything the boss wanted I got. They changed managers and try as much as I can, this guy does not want to get along. Ex-military thinks he's still in. He was trying to get rid of everyone that had been there. Took him a year to manufacture a reason to fire me. When I filed for unemployment, he decided to challenge it. Everything was conference call on the phone. The workforce person ramrodding it asked questions. Him then me. All I did was agree with all his answers. The WF rep in a voice a bit over normal volume-AND YOU FIRED HIM FOR THAT??? You WILL pay this man unemployment. All I could do to keep from laughing.
In the crash of 2008 I was laid off, a lot of us were, but boy was my boss stupid about it. At that point I was working because I liked the job, I didn’t need the money. I was the VP of sales and Marketing and had a lot of customers who just had no money to spend. The best sales team in the world can’t put money in their customer’s budget.
The short of it is that I had two months leave built up. The HR handbook said I could put as much money as I wanted in my retirement account and the company would match it. The CEO, famously not a bright man, called me to complain about how much I would cost
In the crash of 2008 I was laid off, a lot of us were, but boy was my boss stupid about it. At that point I was working because I liked the job, I didn’t need the money. I was the VP of sales and Marketing and had a lot of customers who just had no money to spend. The best sales team in the world can’t put money in their customer’s budget.
The short of it is that I had two months leave built up. The HR handbook said I could put as much money as I wanted in my retirement account and the company would match it. The CEO, famously not a bright man, called me to complain about how much I would cost the company. Well, boohoo. I told him that my three months' severance was going it there too. I don’t know what he said at that point, I hung up and went on vacation.
Don't see the point in revenge. Got fired for basically not staying back a couple of hours every day as the manager’s girlfriend couldnt get out of bed in the morning and would ask me to wait until she arrived. 23 hours one month…sorry can't pay you as would have to explain why I was doing overtime. Had a huge wedding that Saturday at the venue and they were screwed ..asked me to come back , a misunderstanding etc.
Nope . Have another job and am away to the football on Saturday
I wasn’t fired from this job, but my petty revenge still continues to this day.
Long story short, my old company have continuously been hiring for my old role as well as some new roles within their team for the past 12 months. In fact, I’ve seen my old role reposted no less than four times since I left. Now, the people in my certain area of the industry tend to know each other, or at least know mutual people that we’ve worked with previously.
I’ve had several people that I used to work with apply for my old role or a role in my old team and I find great joy in telling them everything that happen
I wasn’t fired from this job, but my petty revenge still continues to this day.
Long story short, my old company have continuously been hiring for my old role as well as some new roles within their team for the past 12 months. In fact, I’ve seen my old role reposted no less than four times since I left. Now, the people in my certain area of the industry tend to know each other, or at least know mutual people that we’ve worked with previously.
I’ve had several people that I used to work with apply for my old role or a role in my old team and I find great joy in telling them everything that happened to me while I was there. I spare no detail and even have a list of points saved in my phone for when the next person comes along to ask me about the company and my previous team.
However, I only gatekeep the good employees from that shit-hole; I wouldn’t dare send them to a place where they would experience the same things I did.
I will, however, send the bad employees there.
One example: this guy had a temper, took long breaks, was never on time, and didn’t know the software. My partner actually used to work with him some years ago, and when I saw my team leader looking at his resume the day before I left the job, I commented that he was a good guy, and that my partner had worked with him previously.
It brought me such joy to see that not even two months later, that they were rehiring again.
Recently, my partner’s old manager applied for a position in my old team and reached out to me for some feedback on my time there. I told him everything and - in no uncertain terms - that his talents would be wasted there. He took my advice and stayed at his current job.
And I will continue to do the lord’s work until they go under.
Boss came in, had a massive rant about something that someone else had done. He fired me, I went home and started another job almost immediately. Two weeks later phone call:
“ I need the password for the office server.”
I replied: “ it's in an envelope in the backup safe”
Turns out he had thrown out all my paperwork including the server password.
I felt I had been unfairly dismissed, said I was going to go to a tribunal and had been advised to say nothing to them until it was resolved. Two years of medical research was locked away until my dispute was settled.
I quit because of an abusive supervisor. A year later, i had built up my small business that they had laughed at. I was just returning from a job when i ran into that supervisor in a mcD.
He sneered, “are you ready to come crawling back to your old job yet? “
I looked at him. “Well. I just got paid more for working 3 hours for more than you pay me for working 40. What do think ?”
Many years ago, I worked for the British arm of a multinational oil company. We dealt in oil tanker machinery and shipped worldwide. Payment was by Letters of Credit (commercial cheques). These were presented to the bank within 20 days of delivery and were accompanied by a number of documents (delivery notes and stuff) if they were delivered late they became ‘stale’ and uncollectable. Most Countries would accept this, we all wanted to do business again, right! Some Countries had very strict Banking Regs so there was no latitude. One of these was Spain. My company shipped £97000 worth of equipm
Many years ago, I worked for the British arm of a multinational oil company. We dealt in oil tanker machinery and shipped worldwide. Payment was by Letters of Credit (commercial cheques). These were presented to the bank within 20 days of delivery and were accompanied by a number of documents (delivery notes and stuff) if they were delivered late they became ‘stale’ and uncollectable. Most Countries would accept this, we all wanted to do business again, right! Some Countries had very strict Banking Regs so there was no latitude. One of these was Spain. My company shipped £97000 worth of equipment and I got the docs to process on the same day we were advised the company was closing, relocating in US. We were redundant. Because they were an arrogant company, they decided we should work our months notice so we could hand over all neat and tidy. Big mistake. I did all the processes for presentation of the LC and then I filed it all. By the time I left, the 20 days were gone and they kissed goodbye to £97K. I walked out with a good ref, redundancy and a big smile.
Revenge is Sweet!
There is a saying in the business world that is really true in respect to this topic and it goes like this: “The hatchet man eventually will get the hatchet on himself or herself”. Translation - the guy or girl doing the firing will eventually get fired themselves. I personally have never gotten revenge on bosses who gave me the boot but check this out:
I get the boot from my first corporate job at Kemper Insurance on the first week that I came back to work after having a broken leg from motorcycle accident. My boss was livid that I had gotten in an motorcycle accident while on company time (it
There is a saying in the business world that is really true in respect to this topic and it goes like this: “The hatchet man eventually will get the hatchet on himself or herself”. Translation - the guy or girl doing the firing will eventually get fired themselves. I personally have never gotten revenge on bosses who gave me the boot but check this out:
I get the boot from my first corporate job at Kemper Insurance on the first week that I came back to work after having a broken leg from motorcycle accident. My boss was livid that I had gotten in an motorcycle accident while on company time (it was 3 PM on a Friday afternoon). I worked out of my house as a loss control rep. My first week (in fact first day) back I am handed a memo that if I make one mistake on my loss control reports I will be fired. Of course, they found one mistake and booted me.
I am pissed for decades until one day in 2011 - I “Google” my old boss’s name to see what happened to him from 20 years earlier when he booted me. I find his obituary at age 61. Age 61-Whoa! The guy died of a heart attack and never enjoyed a single day of retirement. I guess he left a wife and a couple of kids. It couldn’t have happened to a bigger asshole.
Yup, the hatchet man will get the hatchet-it just may take some time.
By telling the truth. I was jored ny a local company to work the mail room. Stuffing envelopes, labelling them and sending them off. I was 27/28 at the time. It was from 2 to 10 (I think) this was 25+ years ago.
Anyway, my little group of 5 or 6 people in the room were all 19–20. No one of legal drinking age. They spent most of their time pulling stupid pranks. Shooting rubber bands, paperclips, putting signs on people’s backs (including me). I chalked it up to immaturity. I didn’t want to get them in trouble for fear the pranking would get worse. They even asked me to illegally buy them alcoho
By telling the truth. I was jored ny a local company to work the mail room. Stuffing envelopes, labelling them and sending them off. I was 27/28 at the time. It was from 2 to 10 (I think) this was 25+ years ago.
Anyway, my little group of 5 or 6 people in the room were all 19–20. No one of legal drinking age. They spent most of their time pulling stupid pranks. Shooting rubber bands, paperclips, putting signs on people’s backs (including me). I chalked it up to immaturity. I didn’t want to get them in trouble for fear the pranking would get worse. They even asked me to illegally buy them alcohol. I didn’t.
3 months go by, I went in one day and was told by management “I wasn’t needed anymore”. It was a temp hire. That Friday, I went to the temp agency to get my check. They said they were told “I wasn’t fast enough”. When I was the only one focusing solely on my job. They lied to me. That’s when I decided my loyalty to a company ends when my job ends. So I straight up told them everything. Even the illegal part. Idk if anything was done about it, bit I didn’t care.
Didn’t affect my ability to get hired somehwere else. I worked for Sam’s Club from 2005–2019. Oh the stories I have about *that* place.
It wasn’t me, but a college buddy. But it was so sweet, I have to share.
There was a really beautiful, popular girl my friend, call him Mike, had a serious crush on. He asked her out several times but she was always “busy”. She never really discouraged him though, I think she liked the attention.
One day Mike got ahold of two tickets to a sold out U2 concert. He bought them from a friend who had to go out of town for an emergency.
Mike immediately called the girl of his dreams and of course she accepted. He was thrilled and everything seemed fine.
The night of the concert they’re at the arena wait
It wasn’t me, but a college buddy. But it was so sweet, I have to share.
There was a really beautiful, popular girl my friend, call him Mike, had a serious crush on. He asked her out several times but she was always “busy”. She never really discouraged him though, I think she liked the attention.
One day Mike got ahold of two tickets to a sold out U2 concert. He bought them from a friend who had to go out of town for an emergency.
Mike immediately called the girl of his dreams and of course she accepted. He was thrilled and everything seemed fine.
The night of the concert they’re at the arena waiting for the show to begin and she suddenly says, “Oh, I see my friend, I’ll be right back!”
You guessed it, she never returned. Mike stayed at the seats since that’s the only place she would logically look for him. When the show ended, Mike ever the gentleman, waited for a long time so he could drive her home. But saw no sign of her. She didn’t answer her phone or texts. So he left feeling so hurt.
By the next morning he was rightfully pissed! She called him around noon apologizing and saying she ran into her ex they had a long talk and worked out a lot of stuff and lost track of time. She had actually missed the concert and blah, blah, blah.
He accepted her apology and asked if they could try again. She accepted and told him how very nice and forgiving he was. She had underestimated him!
So the next Saturday evening he took her to a very expensive seafood restaurant about an hour up the coast. He was polite and chatty the whole way up there. He made the reservation in her name.
They were seated, ordered a nice bottle of wine, some expensive appetizers and entrees, then Mike excused himself to go to the men’s room. He very deliberately said, “I’ll be right back.”
He walked out to the parking lot and drove away. And became the hero of every good guy who’s been treated like crap by a girl because she just didn’t give a damn about his feelings.
I still love that story!!
My boss was a woman. She didn’t like the fact that I had told her I was pregnant the day she told me she was divorcing. From that day on, I was persona non grata.
My job was highly sophisticated. Have you ever called an 800 number for software support and expected the person to know the answer no matter what? That was the kind of job I did. For 16 years. I enjoyed it and my customers. They liked me as well, and trusted me.
Well, things started going south with my boss. It took an hour (without traffic) to get to work. The problem? My son and daughter’s day care didn’t open until 7:00. Which mean
My boss was a woman. She didn’t like the fact that I had told her I was pregnant the day she told me she was divorcing. From that day on, I was persona non grata.
My job was highly sophisticated. Have you ever called an 800 number for software support and expected the person to know the answer no matter what? That was the kind of job I did. For 16 years. I enjoyed it and my customers. They liked me as well, and trusted me.
Well, things started going south with my boss. It took an hour (without traffic) to get to work. The problem? My son and daughter’s day care didn’t open until 7:00. Which meant that if I got to work by 8:00 it would be a miracle.
There WERE people on special schedules. One person worked 7–4 simply due to traffic issues. One person worked 9–6, simply because he did not like to get up early (I swear to God, that was the reason). So, I thought it was quite logical to ask for an 8:30–5:30 shift.
Guess what? I was told NO. The reason? “We don’t do special schedules anymore.”
Okay, fine. My review comes up. I’m marked down because I’m 15 minutes late every day. This goes on for a year and a half, 2 years. One year she dings me badly for the 15 minutes. I talk to HR. They take my side, knowing I have asked for a special schedule and could have been given one.
Paid lay-offs are offered while I am on vacation, yet I don’t get the paperwork. One of my friends gives me the papers, I fill it out, and submit it. Her first question was, “where did you get these papers? I didn’t leave any for you!” Another trip to HR.
She finally submits the papers for the paid lay-off, after 4 months of waiting, and isn’t happy about it. I told her it was her fault for giving me bad reviews instead of agreeing to a special schedule.
My last day comes. I have a buddy in the mail room. All the big bosses work in the same building. I have been working on a letter about ALL her transgression with a copy of all our memos back and forth as supporting documentation. I wrote to her bosses boss and up the chain all the way to the Regional President. I also wrote HR and asked that a copy of the letter be put in her file.
I took the letters, gave them to my guy, gave him a huge hug and said, “Elvis is leaving the building.” Only at that time did he put it in the inter office mail. Every big boss got a letter about her antics, her favoritism, her lack of professionalism, etc.
I found out that she was demoted 6 months later and ultimately fired a year later. Yeah, I smiled when I heard that.
Never been fired “from a job” but had a job dissolve under me due to a partnership divestiture and was furloughed 3X in my airline career.
Never needed “to get revenge.” Always left all my jobs (including the final one into retirement) in transitions 3X in my working career and always “looked ahead to better things in better pl...
After the dotcom crash I got hired by a small software company. They didn’t really have a good product and it was obvious they were on the way down. One day the owner called in with instructions to fire all the sales people as they weren’t making any sales anyway. OK so at the end of the month he calls to ask how sales were going. I said about as good as can be expected with no sales people.
A week later the hammer comes down and we’re all let go and given our severance checks. I immediately go to the bank branch that check was drawn on to cash it and it bounced!
So since I still had the keys to
After the dotcom crash I got hired by a small software company. They didn’t really have a good product and it was obvious they were on the way down. One day the owner called in with instructions to fire all the sales people as they weren’t making any sales anyway. OK so at the end of the month he calls to ask how sales were going. I said about as good as can be expected with no sales people.
A week later the hammer comes down and we’re all let go and given our severance checks. I immediately go to the bank branch that check was drawn on to cash it and it bounced!
So since I still had the keys to the office, I went back and grabbed a bunch of high-end laptops and took them home. Another week goes by and he calls to ask about these laptops that have gone missing. I said they’re not missing, I’m holding on to them until you make good on the bounced check. I was told that was theft and they would be pressing charges. I said great, I’ll be contacting the Labour Relations Board about your shitty practices and also the Police about knowing passing a bad check for thousands of dollars.
Needless to say I was asked to stop by his office to exchange the laptops for another check. It was like the scene out of Scarface where Tony Montana goes to buy the coke.
Owner: Do you have the laptops?
Me: They’re close by. Do you have my check?
He gave me the check and I went and cashed it and then went back and gave him his laptops.
They were going to have to fire me. My boss had ratcheted up the verbal abuse while I maintained my work ethic. When the gut feeling hit that my day might be coming, I started to remove all of my personal stuff a little at a time.
The big day came when I got “ambushed” by my boss w/ HR. They gave me the big spiel replete with, “… your severance is contingent on your signing this ‘not to sue’ contract.. “
So here’s where the answer to the question lands:
- The HR hag was well-known for being vindictive; I expected her to be secretly recording – and they ‘knew’ I had a rep for speaking my mind. I nev
They were going to have to fire me. My boss had ratcheted up the verbal abuse while I maintained my work ethic. When the gut feeling hit that my day might be coming, I started to remove all of my personal stuff a little at a time.
The big day came when I got “ambushed” by my boss w/ HR. They gave me the big spiel replete with, “… your severance is contingent on your signing this ‘not to sue’ contract.. “
So here’s where the answer to the question lands:
- The HR hag was well-known for being vindictive; I expected her to be secretly recording – and they ‘knew’ I had a rep for speaking my mind. I never uttered one word. They pranced around and jumped through their little hoops for 20 minutes. I didn’t even open my mouth to yawn. Not even a ‘Bye.’ Walked straight out of the building, got in my truck and drove away with three months worth of full pay in my pocket.
- They spent so much time trying to manipulate me during their exit interview, they completely forgot to ask me anything about the major project I had been working on for 18 months; it was being segmented and stored on multiple CDs (tech at the time.) Smiled when I later heard they had spent the next year, along with too much money & too many man-hours, unsuccessfully trying to rebuild the project with the segment files before finally abandoning whole thing. – It was one click in the menu of the software used to create it that would have automatically reconstructed the whole thing.
Haven’t wasted another minute thinking about that 15 years until this moment.
I worked at a Biotech Research company. My lab was a support lab for a majority of the company. My direct boss was ‘downsized’ and my lab was transferred under a different group. Apparently this new ‘Boss’ was partial to the employees in his original group. He sent them to work in my area although they knew nothing about the technology.
One woman decided she knew better about ‘everything’ and re-programmed a very large and expensive piece of machinery. The entire lab came to a crashing halt. That cost the company almost $250,000. I got let go and he kept her. Guess what company went out of bu
I worked at a Biotech Research company. My lab was a support lab for a majority of the company. My direct boss was ‘downsized’ and my lab was transferred under a different group. Apparently this new ‘Boss’ was partial to the employees in his original group. He sent them to work in my area although they knew nothing about the technology.
One woman decided she knew better about ‘everything’ and re-programmed a very large and expensive piece of machinery. The entire lab came to a crashing halt. That cost the company almost $250,000. I got let go and he kept her. Guess what company went out of business?
I was a lobbyist for an industry. During a legislative session, I learned about a regulatory change that would impact my industry. The next morning, I was called into the boss’s office, and fired. Apparently the Association president didn’t like the way I did things and got the Board to fire me, but the vote was very close. 6 months later, I learned that the President’s personal company had lost $12 million because they didn’t know about the change. When asked why I didn’t tell them, I calmly explained that, once fired, I didn’t work for them anymore. The business went bankrupt.
I got hired to rebuild an electric system for a municipality. I was a year into it and almost done when raise time came around and everyone got $1 an hour raise but me. I went to the next board meeting and requested an equivalent % raise. They laughed and said nope! Then one board person said I was temporary so they wouldn’t give me a raise. I stated I didn’t know I was temporary and would have to
I got hired to rebuild an electric system for a municipality. I was a year into it and almost done when raise time came around and everyone got $1 an hour raise but me. I went to the next board meeting and requested an equivalent % raise. They laughed and said nope! Then one board person said I was temporary so they wouldn’t give me a raise. I stated I didn’t know I was temporary and would have to look for another job. Made a phone call the next morning, had a new job paying much better starting the next Monday.
Called the Mayor and told him I quit. He told me to come to the office at 2:00, the board members were there and the woman that told me I was temporary started giving me a hard time about two weeks notice. I waited until she was done ranting and told her because I wa...
In 1999 I was told my slot was being eliminated due to the completion of Y2K work.
Senior management didn't handle the downsizing well. The CIO ignored anyone on the list. The VP for development would duck into a conference room if someone being downsized was coming towards him.
Revenge Act I
It was traditional at the company to have a parting gift and farewell lunch. One of my cohorts got that arranged. Hehehe!
Revenge Act II
A few months later I was back with a Big 6 accounting/consulting firm. Of course that meant lots of travel.
The company that I had been with was HQed in Dayton OH with a major
In 1999 I was told my slot was being eliminated due to the completion of Y2K work.
Senior management didn't handle the downsizing well. The CIO ignored anyone on the list. The VP for development would duck into a conference room if someone being downsized was coming towards him.
Revenge Act I
It was traditional at the company to have a parting gift and farewell lunch. One of my cohorts got that arranged. Hehehe!
Revenge Act II
A few months later I was back with a Big 6 accounting/consulting firm. Of course that meant lots of travel.
The company that I had been with was HQed in Dayton OH with a major office in Atlanta.
My new office was in Atlanta. My first client was in Miami FL. One fine Monday morning I was in DIA, awaiting departure. A few old cohorts were in the area. I said “Hello” to some, nodded and waved to others. I took my seat.
As I'm sitting there, probably looking over materials for the day, Sam the Scum Sucking Dog, aka CIO, sat next to me.
I looked. I noticed who it was.
“Good morning, Sam.”
He replied civilly. We knew each other.
Within 30 seconds or so he got up and moved away from me.
I didn't do this but a friend of mine did.
New management came in and started pushing people out. My friend saw the handwriting on the wall and started compiling the client list. He didn't have a chance to resign. He was fired so he could be replaced with a relative of the new owners. He saw from the new hires how incompetent they were. He immediately got a gig with the competition; they were only too glad to get him. He gave them the client list, and within a year, his old company went tits-up. 😁😁😁😁😁
I had been hired, as casual labor, to work with another, older guy to tear up an existing driveway, in preparation for a new one, and dispose of the rubble. We did so. It was tough work. I took a few breaks during the afternoon, but we got the job done.
The contractor came around and surveyed the job. He seemed satisfied with what we had done. After his inspection, I asked him if I could catch a ride with him in his pickup truck to downtown, to which he agreed to. As we were trailing to downtown, he told me that the other guy said that I hadn’t really worked that hard, and that I took a few bre
I had been hired, as casual labor, to work with another, older guy to tear up an existing driveway, in preparation for a new one, and dispose of the rubble. We did so. It was tough work. I took a few breaks during the afternoon, but we got the job done.
The contractor came around and surveyed the job. He seemed satisfied with what we had done. After his inspection, I asked him if I could catch a ride with him in his pickup truck to downtown, to which he agreed to. As we were trailing to downtown, he told me that the other guy said that I hadn’t really worked that hard, and that I took a few breaks, and so he was only going to pay me some fraction of what he owe me. I wasn’t in a position to argue with him, even though I was upset.
When we arrived at the downtown location, he (& I) walked away from the truck; he had business elsewhere; I was going home.
As soon as he was out of sight, I returned to the truck. I popped the hood, and proceeded to yank out the coil wire (one of the 9 wires going from the distributor to the various spark plugs). I took it with me and disposed of it in a nearby garbage can. That true was never going to start with that wire missing, and it probably cost the guy MORE than he had withheld from my pay to replace the Spark Plug wire set. I still feel great satisfaction over having done that, even though it was nearly 50 years ago.
I worked for a small airline in the 80’s. My pay was $800 a month, paid once a month. I got a call during a 14 hour work day and was told they were closing, so finish my out of state run and bring the plane back to the hangar in a different city. I was to pick up my check taped on the hangar door. After taxes it was $712. I got a taxi and went to the bank. I went in and tried to cash my check. They told me the account did not have enough to cover my check. The bank teller asked me if I had $20. I did and she deposited it in the account and I got $712 in cash. The next night the owner called me
I worked for a small airline in the 80’s. My pay was $800 a month, paid once a month. I got a call during a 14 hour work day and was told they were closing, so finish my out of state run and bring the plane back to the hangar in a different city. I was to pick up my check taped on the hangar door. After taxes it was $712. I got a taxi and went to the bank. I went in and tried to cash my check. They told me the account did not have enough to cover my check. The bank teller asked me if I had $20. I did and she deposited it in the account and I got $712 in cash. The next night the owner called me screaming about the paycheck- I just said- “Now John, you wouldn’t write me a bad check would you?”
I worked at a place where they let me go because their business had collapsed to the point where they could no longer afford my salary…meanwhile, there was enough unused telephone equipment sitting in my office to cost them, on a monthly basis, more than my salary, because three months earlier I had recommended returning other equipment that we were no longer using, and knew we would never use, in order to save monthly rental costs and was told to mind my own business.
I wasn't fired, I just quit a job with a window replacement contractor after finding full time premanant employment. I called to inform the man and give him two weeks notice. He cussed at me and slammed the phone down. I called him right back and asked him to send me payment for the previous weeks work and he ratteled on about how I installed those last windows wrong and that he would not be paying me what was owed and told me never to call again followed by a loud “click". So, I tallied all my hours plus all the OT I'd worked but was never paid more than a flat hourly rate. I took this docume
I wasn't fired, I just quit a job with a window replacement contractor after finding full time premanant employment. I called to inform the man and give him two weeks notice. He cussed at me and slammed the phone down. I called him right back and asked him to send me payment for the previous weeks work and he ratteled on about how I installed those last windows wrong and that he would not be paying me what was owed and told me never to call again followed by a loud “click". So, I tallied all my hours plus all the OT I'd worked but was never paid more than a flat hourly rate. I took this document to the owners of the business he had contracted with, explained the situation and said “I just want to give you the opportunity to resolve this before I take the matter to the labor department” (they had a local office). The owner said “Thank you" and said they'd take care of it. The man was in a back office supposedly waiting for a meet so I said “Great! We will just need to come to agreement on what he owes me" The man said “Nothing to worry about there, whatever you say". I asked when I might expect payment from him and the man said, if this amount on your records is good, I'll cut you a check right now and we'll just deduct the funds from his contract payment. I never saw the man again but he was a hot head all the same and I could feel the burn of his rage as I drove away.
As for my ability to install windows… The man had previously took me aside, giving me a raise because, as he said “You're the only one I have who can read a tape measure”.
This didn't happen to me but to a friend of mine.
She transferred from the IT department to a small marketing team which she felt was a better match for her skills and talents.
After a while it became quite unpleasant. The other team member (I did say it was a small team!) did not pull her weight and was hostile. No use complaining to the boss because he was having an affair with the other team member!
Anyway, my friend quietly looked around for another job and was offered a post elsewhere at a much higher salary. She wrote out her resignation letter and took it into work the next day. She delaye
This didn't happen to me but to a friend of mine.
She transferred from the IT department to a small marketing team which she felt was a better match for her skills and talents.
After a while it became quite unpleasant. The other team member (I did say it was a small team!) did not pull her weight and was hostile. No use complaining to the boss because he was having an affair with the other team member!
Anyway, my friend quietly looked around for another job and was offered a post elsewhere at a much higher salary. She wrote out her resignation letter and took it into work the next day. She delayed handing it in, perhaps not wanting a confrontation. During the morning the boss called her into the office and told her she was being made redundant! She took her remaining holiday time and left with a hefty redundancy payment, straight into her new job!
I worked as the CFO of a company and made them millions of dollars. Unfortunately the company owner was a crook, he was a liar a thief and a cheat. He came to my office one day and told me about a business proposition he had received and needed my help. He needed me to fix the financial balance sheet so he would qualify for the deal. In other words, falsify the numbers. I told him no, I would not. He then said, ok I will do it myself and sign your name on the financial statements. I resigned immediately. I was the person in the company that had set up all the inventory and working capital fina
I worked as the CFO of a company and made them millions of dollars. Unfortunately the company owner was a crook, he was a liar a thief and a cheat. He came to my office one day and told me about a business proposition he had received and needed my help. He needed me to fix the financial balance sheet so he would qualify for the deal. In other words, falsify the numbers. I told him no, I would not. He then said, ok I will do it myself and sign your name on the financial statements. I resigned immediately. I was the person in the company that had set up all the inventory and working capital financing and these banks and financial institutions trusted me so much that all I needed to do was call them and ask for cash amounts, they often waived the required paperwork because they trusted me completely after years of fulfilling financial obligations. I told them I had resigned and the reason for the resignation. All financial institutions then cancelled their financial agreements with this company. The liar owner was left with no financing and had to have a holding company take over management of his company at a cost of $100,000 per month for several years. So screwing with the wrong guy can be very costly, instead of letting me continue to make millions for the company, it cost him millions in losses. That is what happens when you allow Satan to direct your actions,
I had signature authority on the federal license at the company I worked for, since my prior experience had helped them get it. When management asked me to do something I knew was illegal, I refused, which put me in conflict with them.
They shortly “laid me off”.
As I left, I called the federal licensing department, and told them to take me off the license, as I no longer worked there. The agent then told me “they don’t have anyone else listed on the license, and without me they were out of business”. When I told him it was no longer my problem, but I didn’t think they knew or understood their s
I had signature authority on the federal license at the company I worked for, since my prior experience had helped them get it. When management asked me to do something I knew was illegal, I refused, which put me in conflict with them.
They shortly “laid me off”.
As I left, I called the federal licensing department, and told them to take me off the license, as I no longer worked there. The agent then told me “they don’t have anyone else listed on the license, and without me they were out of business”. When I told him it was no longer my problem, but I didn’t think they knew or understood their situation, the agent called them. They were shut down before I got out of the parking lot.
It took them 6 months to get their license straightened out and back in operation. They probably lost a million dollars a month. Now THAT’S revenge!
When I was about 21 or 22, I worked for this remodeling contractor. My dad does remodels and has rental properties, and I've always been a DIY type of guy, so I learned young and had about 10 years of experience at the time. Anyway, one day I was at work, and the boss nor the crew lead could figure out how to solve a problem with some vinyl flooring and the customer was there watching them for a good half hour or so. I repeatedly tried to make suggestions but just kept getting ignored. Finally I just stepped up and tried something and it worked. The next day the owner told me that work was slo
When I was about 21 or 22, I worked for this remodeling contractor. My dad does remodels and has rental properties, and I've always been a DIY type of guy, so I learned young and had about 10 years of experience at the time. Anyway, one day I was at work, and the boss nor the crew lead could figure out how to solve a problem with some vinyl flooring and the customer was there watching them for a good half hour or so. I repeatedly tried to make suggestions but just kept getting ignored. Finally I just stepped up and tried something and it worked. The next day the owner told me that work was slow and he didn't need me to come in. That same afternoon he called me and let me go due to “not having the quality of work that his company is known for". I'm sure he was just upset that I made him look like an ass in front of a customer. Anyway, fast forward to a week later, this customer had a family member that was also gonna get some work done by the same company. The previous customer gave the family member my Facebook info and she contacted me and asked if I could do a job for her. About 3 days in, my old boss came and the look on his face when he saw me doing the job he came to bid for was priceless.
What’s the best revenge you’ve gotten after being fired or let go from a job?
I once had a “manager” who believed I was providing too much assistance to other departments in the company and suggesting improvements in our operations to stay abreast of regulatory and competitor developments. Since he couldn’t fire me for that he did suggest that I seek opportunities elsewhere.
Which I did.
And within two years my new job was providing much nicer benefits and a great deal higher salary than my former “manager” was making — and putting me on track for a senior staff engineering position a few years
What’s the best revenge you’ve gotten after being fired or let go from a job?
I once had a “manager” who believed I was providing too much assistance to other departments in the company and suggesting improvements in our operations to stay abreast of regulatory and competitor developments. Since he couldn’t fire me for that he did suggest that I seek opportunities elsewhere.
Which I did.
And within two years my new job was providing much nicer benefits and a great deal higher salary than my former “manager” was making — and putting me on track for a senior staff engineering position a few years later.
Moral of the story: when you notice that you have a third-rate manager and a second-rate employer, it behooves you to move on, and up.
I had been working at this company for 13 years and one day, near the end of the day, my boss asked me to write out the process for completing a certain task. It required some Excel knowledge. He told me he was going to give it to one of the BI teams to automate. So I stayed late, past my regular shift to write it up. Afterwards he tested it in his office with me standing there to make sure it worked. It did, so I went home.
Next day started normal but just before lunch, the HR girl called one of my co-workers away, which the rest of us thought was weird. He never returned and someone came by a
I had been working at this company for 13 years and one day, near the end of the day, my boss asked me to write out the process for completing a certain task. It required some Excel knowledge. He told me he was going to give it to one of the BI teams to automate. So I stayed late, past my regular shift to write it up. Afterwards he tested it in his office with me standing there to make sure it worked. It did, so I went home.
Next day started normal but just before lunch, the HR girl called one of my co-workers away, which the rest of us thought was weird. He never returned and someone came by and dropped off an empty box. Then another co-worker was called away. I immediately started backing up personal files on the computer onto a flash drive and sure enough I was called next. We all were let go because of downsizing.
I reached out to my coworkers who weren't let go a few weeks later and found out my boss didnt do something in the process correctly so the whole thing was “broken". It was a critical reporting process that I built.
It wasnt intentional but i think it was a nice bit of karma.