Profile photo for Barbara Ann Webber

All this, and then some, happened in a non-unionized crown Corporation:

I uncovered a questionable loan with non-existent collateral. and refused to back down, on pursuing it! The original loan was made by a person who had rapidly risen in the upper echelons of the Corporation..

Thus. began a lengthy period of workplace harassment, and a suggestion from the Personnel Manager, that I my work, (previously commendable for over 2 years) was not competent, and I would be let go, with no severance beyond the mandated, 2 weeks notice.

I told the Personnel Manager that he “COULDN’T FIRE ME”, , because….“I QUIT” and that I had documented evidence of harassment, age and sex discrimination and was going to file the appropriate official complaInts, with the Canadian Human rights Commission.

He was gob-smacked as he watched me walk out!

I left his office with my evidence, filed my complaints, and hired a lawyer. who reviewed my documents and told me ,( thereafter), that the government had hired the lawyer who wrote the book on Wrongful Dismissal, to fight me in court!…. HA!

I asked for only two things in my legal suit, the amount required under the aforementioned book on wrongful dismissal, and I wanted a glowing recommendation for future employment! I left the Human Rights complaints outstanding and on file, so that the Corporation would stand permanently accused , in case of any further complaints!

After 18 months of stupid, BS, I received that requested sum, . and got to write my own letter of recommendation from the Head of Personnel of that former Corporation, , and went back to work in a Unionized Department in the same Government in a different Department!

I did however, after that experience, become an ardent Union official, specializing in Human Rights, and Harassment complaints.

The Government created it’s own worst enemy!!

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