After two years with a company, I’d had enough as the job I was being asked to perform bore no relation to the one I had been hired to deliver.
My company had an annual bonus scheme linked to the FY and I decided that I would stay there until my bonus was safely in my bank account, hand in my resignation, and then endure a very painful month while I worked my notice.
However, the day before I’d planned to resign I was summoned to an offsite meeting and was told that I was being made redundant with immediate effect: as I’d been with the company for two years that meant two months of salary plus extra in lieu of notice - result.
The icing on the cake was that as my role involved access to sensitive customer data I was put on immediate gardening leave and was asked to hand in my PC within the next few days.
I went home and immediately put a good bottle of champagne in the fridge to chill.