I had a neighbor who had a constantly barking dog they left out in their yard 100% of the time. My home office was right next to this yard so I was constantly bothered by the noise. Their attitude was that I should, “Get used to it.”
One day they left for a few weeks vacation. They left the dog in the yard as usual but also left their sliding rear door open a bit with a piece of plywood blocking the opening. They installed a flappy dog door in the plywood.
I investigated this arrangement in what I suppose was a burglary. When I went into the yard, the dog was happy to see me as I suppose it was lonelier than usual. I looked into the house through the slider to see a huge bowl of dry dog food and another of water - I suppose to carry the dog for the two weeks they were gone.
Hmm. I kicked the plywood out and invited the dog in. I then left leaving the dog inside. Every day maybe once or twice I’d check in on the dog to see how it was getting along and to refresh the water. As I hoped, the dog wandered all over the house crapping at least twice a day and peeing often. The place was growing rank. When I opened the slider, the dog showed no interest in returning to the yard. I suppose it had had enough of cold.
The people returned to a house full of dog crap including, for some reason, it covering their bed. Beats me why the dog made a mission of that.
The people asked me if I knew what was up and I acted surprised. I’m not sure I sold it. They never left the dog out in the yard again for extended periods and soon left.