Profile photo for Susan Hilde

I had a friend who got back at a Neighbor From Hell. The awful neighbor would harass people on the block constantly - calling the code compliance officers to cite them for having their grass one inch too high, calling the cops for “loud music” which was not that loud - all kinds of trivial shit. My friend called in ads to the paper for huge “moving sales” at that house - “Husband just died, everything must go - many guns, five year old Harley Davidson, many tools - come early, bang on the door.” So, all these rough bikers would come roaring to the house at 6:00 a.m. Saturday morning. My friend also arranged for the Mormons, Moonies and Jehovah’s Witnesses to come at late hours. My friend also arranged for lots of goods and services to come to the house of the Neighbor From Hell. Finally, my friend arranged for HORRIBLE porn to come to the neighbor - only he put the address the of jerk’s next door neighbor on the porn magazine (you don’t want to know the nature of this porn). After a few months of harassment, the Neighbor From Hell sold his house and moved. My friend innocently asked “Why are you moving?” The bully answered “Ah, this neighborhood is going to pot.”

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