It was not my neighbor, in fact, no one I knew. I used to have a small business and by the strip, mall rules had to have a dumpster. Well, it seems the neighbours saw this as a place to dump their garbage for free. We paid by the load, not weekly or monthly. When it was full call and they pick it up, weighed it and we got a bill so… their garbage cost me money.
I left notes on the dumpster, everything I could think of and then that was it -- one day had enough. So instead of going home I dragged the bags out and went through it piece by piece: eggshells, coffee grounds, putrid this and that, and then I found what I was looking for - an envelope with a name and address. Made sure I found more than one. Packed it all back up and went and found the address. It was late and being the nice guy I am I didn't want to disturb the people so I put the garbage on their front lawn, making sure every bag broke and spread around a little. No issue ever again.
Thanks so much! I cannot believe the response I have never got this many upvotes. thanks so much.