25 years ago my husband and I rented a house for a year until we could save a down payment to buy a home. Our neighbors driveway and ours were side by side and rather long, but required a little car jockey at times. The neighbor suggested we stagger our vehicles and they could get in our driveway and back out and vice versa. That worked out really well until our neighbor died. When our new neighbors moved in it was an older couple and their adult son and they didn't like that suggestion at all. Within a week there was a chain link fence from the road to the rear of the property and no trespassing signs every 10 feet or so. Ooookay. No fencing anywhere else so they weren't trying to keep a pet safe or anything, just making sure we didn't use a smidge of their property. There was street parking also and you could only back in one direction because the fence was literally to the road. I left one day to get groceries and when I got home there was a police car in their driveway. I carried bags in and went back out to get the rest and walked right into a pair of cops and the adult (using that term loosely) son. He began ranting the moment I walked out and the officers had to literally step between us. Apparently I had demolished his fence with my reckless driving. So we walk over and they ask him to point out this demolition and he had one of the little metal rods with the reflector that my bumper was supposed to have mangledand a scratch that he kept pointing at that I nor the officers could see. Then he said I left the scene of the accident and he wanted me arrested immediately. One officer picked up the reflector and poked it back in the ground and this guy went berzerk. He took his little cordless phone and called the cops on the cops and was screaming that I wanted to act like a snob and pretend I didn't know him when I did and that I used my feminine wiles to get the first set of cops to destroy the evidence. During all this hullabaloo my husband and younger brother pulled in as my brother was working my job at our business and I thought my husband was going to kill this fruitcake. Turns out he was one of my little brother's school friends and he was mad that I didn't recognize him. I moved out long before my brother graduated and never paid a bit of attention to his friends. Hello, I was into my friends. My brother finally got him calmed but he insisted I be arrested and he wanted a report and planned to sue me. I'm in the yard crying over my spoiled groceries and the prospect of possibly having to give birth to my son in jail. Yes I was 38 weeks PREGNANT and YES my husband was livid. We were told by the officers no report was happening and gave us their cards if anything happened and to try to not even let my shadow fall across his damned fence. Our job was installing kitchens and bathrooms and every chance he got my hubby would toss a handful of nails or screws through the fence. I wonder to this day if they ever figured out why they kept getting flat tires.