My wife and I were newly married (1970) and rented our first place, a garage apartment. It overlooked the landlord’s house and a fence surrounded his back yard. All was well until the landlord brought home a dog for his son. The dog was an “inside” dog but the landlord would let the the dog out the back door at night to relieve itself. The landlord forgot to let the dog back in a few times and the dog would yelp endlessly (sometimes all night long). Naturally, we couldn’t sleep with all this barking going on. And we didn’t want to find another place because rental properties at that time were very scarce. After another night of barking, I rolled over in the bed, picked up the phone and called the landlord’s number. When he picked up, I hung up. As the dog kept barking, I kept calling the landlord’s phone and hanging up. Finally, the landlord put two and two together, came outside and brought the dog back inside. We never saw or heard the dog again. Problem solved. Psychology 101 paid off that night!