In my early 20’s we had a cottage at Crystal Beach in Canada just across the Peace Bridge from Buffalo NY. We rented a cottage, 6–8 of us girls each year for three years. Memorial Day thru Labor Day. There were a number of cottages rented by gals and a number rented by guys. Fun! Fun!
One year we were next door to a guys cottage and they loved playing practical jokes on us.
My sister and I would drive to work in the morning and return back to Canada daily. But one day the car started stinking. Each day it smelled more and more and it had flies all over it. We could’t figure it out. Until one day, checking the water we raised the hood. And there sitting on the manifold? under the hood was a whole fish!! Baked on and stunk to high heaven!
How to top that one? Well we baked a cake, and made the chocolate frosting with a full box of x-lax. Took it over as a peace offering. They ate it all. Best revenge? That night was the wedding of one of their guys!