Profile photo for David Eaton

Because LEGO put all their eggs in one basket, and it’s what they’re known for.

Back in the 1930s, 40s, and 50s, LEGO made a lot of different types of toys. They weren’t a construction toy company— they were a toy company. They made wooden toys and plastic toys. They had toy guns, toy cars, baby rattles— they even made a board game.

(One of LEGO’s successful plastic toys, the Ferguson tractor)

They started making the plastic building bricks in 1949, calling them “Automatic Binding Bricks”. If you stepped on one back in 1949, you wouldn’t say “Ow! I stepped on a LEGO!” anymore than you’d say “Ow!

Because LEGO put all their eggs in one basket, and it’s what they’re known for.

Back in the 1930s, 40s, and 50s, LEGO made a lot of different types of toys. They weren’t a construction toy company— they were a toy company. They made wooden toys and plastic toys. They had toy guns, toy cars, baby rattles— they even made a board game.

(One of LEGO’s successful plastic toys, the Ferguson tractor)

They started making the plastic building bricks in 1949, calling them “Automatic Binding Bricks”. If you stepped on one back in 1949, you wouldn’t say “Ow! I stepped on a LEGO!” anymore than you’d say “Ow! I stepped on a Mattel!” It would just seem silly.

In the mid 1950s, LEGO really started putting its weight behind the plastic bricks. It also started calling them “LEGO Mursten” (which means “brick” in German).

LEGO still made other products, but the plastic bricks were quickly becoming the flagship product of the company.

Then, in 1960, LEGO had a fire at the company. It burned down the majority of the wooden toy division. They had the choice to rebuild it, or to just focus on their plastic building bricks.

There was quite a dispute, actually, since it was a family-owned business, and there were differing opinions on the matter. Godtfred Kirk Christiansen (son of the company’s founder, and head of the company at the time) decided to focus solely on the plastic bricks. He bought out his siblings’ shares in the company, and some of them went on to found “Bilofix”, which continued to make wooden toys.

From then on, LEGO became known for pretty much their only product, which was the plastic building bricks. And they dropped the title “Mursten”— making “LEGO” seem a lot less like the brand name, and a lot more like the actual product itself.

Hence, now people say things like “a piece of LEGO” or “a pile of LEGOs” or “lots of LEGO”, or even “a LEGO”, rather than always qualifying it with the more proper “LEGO elements” or “LEGO brick”.

One quirk seems to be that in the English speaking world, the United States (for whatever cultural reasons) tends to be the main place where people say “LEGOs” as the plural rather than “LEGO” as the plural. The LEGO company even asked (back in the 1970s and 1980s) people not to use the term “LEGOs”, but it didn’t do much, other than to make certain rabid fans recoil in horror whenever they hear the term.

I suspect that the same may be true for the singular “a LEGO” as well— IE, terminology mostly used within the US as opposed to elsewhere. This is likely due to Americans viewing LEGO elements largely the same way (noun-wise) as, say, “picture frame”. You’d say “a pile of picture frames”, or “a picture frame”. However, elsewhere in the world, it’s more akin to “sand”, where you’d say “a pile of sand” rather than “a pile of sands”— and similarly “a piece of sand” rather than “a sand”.

So if you want to avoid critique from nasty rules lawyers and fanatical hobbyists, you should probably just say “LEGO bricks” or “LEGO elements”. And it’s doubtful that anyone will correct you if you say “LEGO” (as the plural) or “a piece of LEGO”, even though that’s not quite the preferred term. But go around saying “a LEGO” or “LEGOs”, and you’ll eventually get yourself corrected by some persnickety folks.

Where do I start?

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Where do I start?

I’m a huge financial nerd, and have spent an embarrassing amount of time talking to people about their money habits.

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Not having a separate high interest savings account

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How to get started

Hope this helps! Here are the links to get started:

Have a separate savings account
Stop overpaying for car insurance
Finally get out of debt
Start investing with a free bonus
Fix your credit

Profile photo for Dave Chitty

I can only answer for myself, as a fifty one year old who still plays with them.

Because forty-five years ago before there was an internet troll to correct us, we kids just didn't know any better.

"Hey, you want to come over and play LEGO?"

That question would have spawned endless arguments between us kids who played with the bricks because it would have sounded really wrong and funny to our little American ears.

LEGO wasn't a game like Monopoly, or Risk or Chess. It was a bunch of plastic pieces you could snap together and build your own custom Star Wars toys with!

"You play Go Fish, you don't pla

I can only answer for myself, as a fifty one year old who still plays with them.

Because forty-five years ago before there was an internet troll to correct us, we kids just didn't know any better.

"Hey, you want to come over and play LEGO?"

That question would have spawned endless arguments between us kids who played with the bricks because it would have sounded really wrong and funny to our little American ears.

LEGO wasn't a game like Monopoly, or Risk or Chess. It was a bunch of plastic pieces you could snap together and build your own custom Star Wars toys with!

"You play Go Fish, you don't play LEGO!"

In a part of my brain I would have thought calling it LEGO was very pretentious, even though I didn't know that word yet.

There was no news letter TV show or MeetUp group to refer to where we could have been corrected. The bricks say LEGO right on top. A bunch of them in your hand OF COURSE would be called Legos!

So folks can accuse Americans of being obtuse if they really want to. In my case I was never exposed to the only thing that would have changed the way I said it:

A bunch of other kids calling it LEGO.

Edit: Thanks for the upvotes!

I wonder if some of it has to do with the lack of brick-based building across many parts of the USA, such that common housebricks are not in the vernacular of the average child. Growing up in England, my house was made of bricks as was the house of every person I knew. My lego house was similarly made of bricks. The common parlance singular was brick (in the generic and just an unadorned yellow 2x4 in the specific) and the group "Lego", with examples being "Pass me that brick that's jammed under your left foot." or "Tidy up all that Lego from your bedroom floor before tea."

Profile photo for Adam Brower

Why? The analysis is elementary: it is widely known that, in addition to starving the world’s widows and orphans, fomenting war around the globe, and causing natural disasters that threaten all human life, all Americans are ignorant of anything that does not originate in the United States. In their arrogance, they ruthlessly employ the brand name as a noun, and in their cultural blindness, thus grievously offend the owners of Lego, and the peace loving Danish people, by omitting the word “brick” when describing the sublime product.

A motion will be filed in the International Court of Justice de

Why? The analysis is elementary: it is widely known that, in addition to starving the world’s widows and orphans, fomenting war around the globe, and causing natural disasters that threaten all human life, all Americans are ignorant of anything that does not originate in the United States. In their arrogance, they ruthlessly employ the brand name as a noun, and in their cultural blindness, thus grievously offend the owners of Lego, and the peace loving Danish people, by omitting the word “brick” when describing the sublime product.

A motion will be filed in the International Court of Justice demanding an abject apology from the citizens of the oppressive hegemon, and imposing severe tariffs on their future purchase of plastic bricks.

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Profile photo for Jens Martın

Here in Denmark (where Lego is from) we say Lego.

We play with Lego, we build with Lego and we step on Lego. But please don't step on Lego bricks, it hurts like hell.

The thing that gets me with the American pronunciation is it implies that an individual brick is ‘a lego’ so collectively they should be called legos, but its always used in the latter fashion because they always come in sets so you never have just one brick to call lego.

Besides, LEGO is a brand name, not the name of the specific brick design. The actual product name is LEGO System for standard LEGO, like Technics or Duplo.

Also, legos is never used by the company, because brand names are never pluralised. We're not all saying Mattels or Hasbros when we talk about other toys. The packagings all

The thing that gets me with the American pronunciation is it implies that an individual brick is ‘a lego’ so collectively they should be called legos, but its always used in the latter fashion because they always come in sets so you never have just one brick to call lego.

Besides, LEGO is a brand name, not the name of the specific brick design. The actual product name is LEGO System for standard LEGO, like Technics or Duplo.

Also, legos is never used by the company, because brand names are never pluralised. We're not all saying Mattels or Hasbros when we talk about other toys. The packagings all say LEGO, so are therefore LEGO boxes, or boxes of LEGO.

LEGO is always plural as it encompasses all of the products of the brand and you never have a singular brick, so alone they're bricks, together they're LEGO, or LEGO bricks.

Profile photo for Johnny M

I once met a man who drove a modest Toyota Corolla, wore beat-up sneakers, and looked like he’d lived the same way for decades. But what really caught my attention was when he casually mentioned he was retired at 45 with more money than he could ever spend. I couldn’t help but ask, “How did you do it?”

He smiled and said, “The secret to saving money is knowing where to look for the waste—and car insurance is one of the easiest places to start.”

He then walked me through a few strategies that I’d never thought of before. Here’s what I learned:

1. Make insurance companies fight for your business


I once met a man who drove a modest Toyota Corolla, wore beat-up sneakers, and looked like he’d lived the same way for decades. But what really caught my attention was when he casually mentioned he was retired at 45 with more money than he could ever spend. I couldn’t help but ask, “How did you do it?”

He smiled and said, “The secret to saving money is knowing where to look for the waste—and car insurance is one of the easiest places to start.”

He then walked me through a few strategies that I’d never thought of before. Here’s what I learned:

1. Make insurance companies fight for your business

Most people just stick with the same insurer year after year, but that’s what the companies are counting on. This guy used tools like to compare rates every time his policy came up for renewal. It only took him a few minutes, and he said he’d saved hundreds each year by letting insurers compete for his business.

Click here to try and see how much you could save today.

2. Take advantage of safe driver programs

He mentioned that some companies reward good drivers with significant discounts. By signing up for a program that tracked his driving habits for just a month, he qualified for a lower rate. “It’s like a test where you already know the answers,” he joked.

You can find a list of insurance companies offering safe driver discounts here and start saving on your next policy.

3. Bundle your policies

He bundled his auto insurance with his home insurance and saved big. “Most companies will give you a discount if you combine your policies with them. It’s easy money,” he explained. If you haven’t bundled yet, ask your insurer what discounts they offer—or look for new ones that do.

4. Drop coverage you don’t need

He also emphasized reassessing coverage every year. If your car isn’t worth much anymore, it might be time to drop collision or comprehensive coverage. “You shouldn’t be paying more to insure the car than it’s worth,” he said.

5. Look for hidden fees or overpriced add-ons

One of his final tips was to avoid extras like roadside assistance, which can often be purchased elsewhere for less. “It’s those little fees you don’t think about that add up,” he warned.

The Secret? Stop Overpaying

The real “secret” isn’t about cutting corners—it’s about being proactive. Car insurance companies are counting on you to stay complacent, but with tools like and a little effort, you can make sure you’re only paying for what you need—and saving hundreds in the process.

If you’re ready to start saving, take a moment to:

Saving money on auto insurance doesn’t have to be complicated—you just have to know where to look. If you'd like to support my work, feel free to use the links in this post—they help me continue creating valuable content.

Profile photo for Nathan Ridley

The rest of the world treats lego as a regular plural. You can't have "a" lego just like you can't have "a" water. You have some lego, or a whole lot of lego. When you say you played with legos as a child, it sounds to non-Americans like you're saying I drank a glass of waters or my sandpit has a lot of sands.

Profile photo for Dianna Miller

I always wondered about this, too... My brother and I grew up in the 70s and called them "lego piece" and plural, "lego." I have no idea why. I just know that when my nephews say "legos," it sounds strange to me.

Retirement planning can be overwhelming—but it doesn't have to be! Learn more with our free guide.
Profile photo for Robert Walker

Why do people in the UK say “hoovering” when the brand name is Hoover? Why do people say “Xeroxing” when the brand name is “Xerox” It is what has become linguistical usage. Why do people say I’ll have a Budweiser or a Guinness, when they could say I’ll have a Budweiser beer or Guinness beer— because the meaning is understood.

Profile photo for Jens Martin Christiansen

As a dane I've wondered about this myself. It makes my toes curl everytime someone says Legos instead of Lego.

Profile photo for Helen Schnorrbusch

Billund, Denmark

The Lego Group began in the workshop of Ole Kirk Christiansen (1891–1958), a carpenter from Billund, Denmark, who began making wooden toys in 1932. In 1934, his company came to be called "Lego", derived from the Danish phrase leg godt [laɪ̯ˀ ˈkɒt], which means "play well".

Profile photo for Jeff Kesselman

The company insists it is called a "LEGO Block" for trademark protection reasons. Its the same reason Kleenex wants you to say "Kleenex Tissue", and Xerox "Xerox Copies".

A noun has the danger of becoming so associated with a product that it is ruled a "generic" like "car" or "toy".

And a you cannot Trademark a generic.

This is the same reason the Sun Lawyers made me call my book "Java Platform Performance."

Profile photo for Larry Pieniazek

Because most Americans are descriptivists. The LEGO Group, like other trademark holders, wants LEGO to be treated as an adjective rather than a noun, "LEGO Bricks" or "LEGO sets" but never just "LEGO" by itself. However we pluralize other trademarked things as well... Kleenexes, Fords, etc.

Profile photo for Rosalind Mitchell

As a British person who has studied mathematics (and continues to do so) I’m on the side of the Americans here.

I’m not saying that Americans are right to say “math”, nor am I saying that they are wrong. It sounds odd to my British ear when I hear it because it’s not what I grew up with, just as Americans might find my own casual unthinking use of “maths” strange and intrusive. I am saying that its an informal abbreviation and it’s silly to get worked up about it. I know what they mean and they know what I mean and that’s all that matters.

If we were being (heaven forbid!) pedantic about it, it’

As a British person who has studied mathematics (and continues to do so) I’m on the side of the Americans here.

I’m not saying that Americans are right to say “math”, nor am I saying that they are wrong. It sounds odd to my British ear when I hear it because it’s not what I grew up with, just as Americans might find my own casual unthinking use of “maths” strange and intrusive. I am saying that its an informal abbreviation and it’s silly to get worked up about it. I know what they mean and they know what I mean and that’s all that matters.

If we were being (heaven forbid!) pedantic about it, it’s the Americans who are probably strictly correct here. Math is a singular form because mathematics is singular, just as ethics, metaphysics and all the other things Aristotle concerned himself with are singular because they are individual disciplines within Aristotle’s field of philosophy, And we say philosophy, not philosophies even though philosophy, like mathematics, encompasses a variety of individual disciplines. As part of my mathematical studies I studied statistics, which wasn’t in Aristotle but is a coinage formed as if it were. I call it ‘stats’ in short, I assume Americans would contract it to ‘stat’ but I really don’t know.

Just because an English word ends in an s doesn’t necessarily make it plural although many assume otherwise and it’s one way in which formal language changes through unwitting popular usage. The round green vegetable that comes in a pod was once a peas; one peas, many pease (which is how pease pudding came about) and now it’s one pea, many peas . There was a fitness instructor in my neighbourhood once who drove around in a car with the vanity plate B 1 CEP and I used to roll my eyes since the muscle in your arm is a biceps and it is invariant in the plural. My favourite is ‘suburbs’, which was a singular noun unchanged from the Latin; it means “the under city”, the red light district, and the good people of Hampstead Garden Suburb would no doubt be mortified if this were more widely known. Mistress Overdone in Measure for Measure kept a bawdy house in the suburbs.

Profile photo for Brody Fletcher

But they’re not LEGO bricks…They’re LEGO pieces. There are a lot more kinds of pieces than just bricks. [Lego Technic for just one example.]

However, picturing a small child—from anywhere in the world, not just the United States—saying “hey, you want to come over and play LEGO pieces” seems so f***ing bizarre that this is a great example of why grown men shouldn’t get so invested in LEGO.

Kids will call it what they call it, and it is really for them—not adult males on Quora being OCD about language.

This is also a very Euro-centric question, as there are lots of places besides the United States

But they’re not LEGO bricks…They’re LEGO pieces. There are a lot more kinds of pieces than just bricks. [Lego Technic for just one example.]

However, picturing a small child—from anywhere in the world, not just the United States—saying “hey, you want to come over and play LEGO pieces” seems so f***ing bizarre that this is a great example of why grown men shouldn’t get so invested in LEGO.

Kids will call it what they call it, and it is really for them—not adult males on Quora being OCD about language.

This is also a very Euro-centric question, as there are lots of places besides the United States and Europe where small children play with LEGO pieces. I have never heard anyone in Asia or Africa refer to them as “LEGO bricks.” I’m not saying they don’t ever do it, but it’s not common. But European males love to pretend that it is only them and the U.S. in the entirety of the world in their unrequited pi**ing contest with a country that barely ever thinks about them.

As for why the differentiation between “LEGO” and “LEGOs,” probably just default falling back on basic grammatical instinct. “LEGO land,” “LEGO Movie,” “LEGO Masters,” “LEGO set,” etc. and it all gets a bit repetitive, you know? To call an individual piece “LEGO” and a set of 100 different pieces “LEGO” and the entire box “LEGO” is more than a little monotonous and confusing, it’s grammatically not correct even if “technically” correct in the esoteric world of the Lego brand.

Some kids might say “My Little Pony” and some kids might say “My Little Ponies” if they’re referring to a whole bunch of them. Regardless, it is for them to decide.

Update: I cannot believe the comments I’ve deleted for this questions given that I wrote an answer essentially saying “I do NOT want to hear from white, Asperger-y grown men playing with a child’s toy in their adulthood. I could not give less of a **** what you think, and neither could all the kids all over the world playing with Legos or whatever the **** they want to call them.” My thinking is truly that if some kid has gotten their parents to pay $100 for a cheap plastic set of 500 pieces they have to put together themselves, they’ve earned the right to call them whatever they like.

I wrote an answer conveying how it is not only improper to label all Lego pieces as “bricks” but irrelevant since it’s just some OCD language thing by anal retentive Europeans trying to act snotty about overpriced plastic pieces that have been around forever. I wrote that and I STILL had at least five comments from those exact same people writing different versions of the same thing arguing with me—I would assume me deleting the first couple would’ve been a warning to the next few, but it apparently served as a clarion call to keep…on…talking…

Profile photo for Lana Pavlaković

It comes from Danish for “play well” and it was name of the company which started by producing wooden toys (the founder was a carpenter).

This question is formulated incorrectly. To have a plural you must first have a singular. E.g. The word "Oranges" is the plural of the singular "Orange". For some items the singular and plural are the same word. E.g. The plural "Sheep" for singular "Sheep".

But *neither* form applies to LEGO because there is no such thing as a singular "LEGO" that requires a plural, either "LEGOs" (like oranges) or even "LEGO" (like sheep).

There is no such thing as "a LEGO" that requires a plural. Many Americans mistakenly refer to a LEGO piece as "a LEGO" but this is incorrect. It is a LEGO piece, or a LEGO br

This question is formulated incorrectly. To have a plural you must first have a singular. E.g. The word "Oranges" is the plural of the singular "Orange". For some items the singular and plural are the same word. E.g. The plural "Sheep" for singular "Sheep".

But *neither* form applies to LEGO because there is no such thing as a singular "LEGO" that requires a plural, either "LEGOs" (like oranges) or even "LEGO" (like sheep).

There is no such thing as "a LEGO" that requires a plural. Many Americans mistakenly refer to a LEGO piece as "a LEGO" but this is incorrect. It is a LEGO piece, or a LEGO brick or a LEGO element.

LEGO is supposed to be used as an adjective, not a noun, unless referring to the brand/company itself as a whole. So the plural of "LEGO brick" is "LEGO bricks".

A LEGO brick > some LEGO bricks, or simply, some bricks.
A LEGO piece > many LEGO pieces, or simply, many pieces.
One LEGO set > two LEGO sets, or simply, two sets.
The LEGO element > the LEGO elements, or simply, the elements.
A LEGO minifigure > an army of LEGO minifigures, or simply, an army of minifigures.

An explanation of this issue and the correct usage used to be printed in American LEGO catalogs. The USA is about the only country where people incorrectly use this terminology of "a LEGO, many LEGOs". The LEGO Group (the company) do not approve of this terminology.

The worst example of this is when I saw a person refer to a LEGO minifigure as "a LEGO". I forget the exact situation but they said something like "He put a LEGO in the toy car" when someone had put a LEGO minifigure in a non-LEGO toy car.

Many people across the world also refer to every LEGO piece as a "brick" even though most elements are not bricks but instead are plates, wheels, doors, minifigures, etc. Bricks are just one type of piece, the actual brick-like blocks.

Profile photo for Quora User

We treat the word “math” like the Brits treat the word “sport” as in, “Do you do sport?” as opposed to, “Do you play sports?” While it's obvious that Formula One and Cricket are separate sports, Brits regard engaging in sport as a singular body of activity: physical exertion combined with competition. It's a generic and easily accepted quirk of the language.

Americans do the same with “math/s”. Sure, Trigonometry and Calculus are separate maths, but just as Cricket and Formula One Racing are referred to collectively as “sport”, these two studies along with all the other types of math, are commo

We treat the word “math” like the Brits treat the word “sport” as in, “Do you do sport?” as opposed to, “Do you play sports?” While it's obvious that Formula One and Cricket are separate sports, Brits regard engaging in sport as a singular body of activity: physical exertion combined with competition. It's a generic and easily accepted quirk of the language.

Americans do the same with “math/s”. Sure, Trigonometry and Calculus are separate maths, but just as Cricket and Formula One Racing are referred to collectively as “sport”, these two studies along with all the other types of math, are commonly referred to as math.

This is annoying to some Brits, but it's not so difficult to understand.

Profile photo for Jenna Davey

Because not all of the individual Legos are shaped like bricks. I suppose we could say Lego Pieces or Lego Paraphernalia, but Legos is simply easier.

(Not a brick)

Because not all of the individual Legos are shaped like bricks. I suppose we could say Lego Pieces or Lego Paraphernalia, but Legos is simply easier.

(Not a brick)

Profile photo for Quora User

“LEGO” is the company.

The company’s main product line is “Legos.” Lego’s a...

Profile photo for Dr. Gregory Iacono, DC

Simply because, when you pluralize most words in English, you add an “s”.

Orange = oranges

Table = tables

Car = cars

Toy = toys

It should be like this;

1 sheep - 2 sheep

1 deer - 3 deer

1 moose - several moose

1 fish - 3900 fish

1 aircraft - 12 aircraft

1 Lego - Many Lego

Nothing more, nothing less than that fact.

Profile photo for John Steele

There are no clearcut rules to abbreviations. If there were, the abbreviation of pound certainly wouldn’t be lb. Yes, I know it comes from Latin libra, why didn’t it come from pound? Why do both Americans and Brits ignore the “ematic” which is also obvious? Because they both are shortening the word. American and British English began bifurcating in 1776 when governance did, and we shorten the word in different ways. (Brits might say 1783, when they finally admitted to our independence.)

On the other hand LEGO® is not an abbreviation, it is the registered name of a company, its products, and, at

There are no clearcut rules to abbreviations. If there were, the abbreviation of pound certainly wouldn’t be lb. Yes, I know it comes from Latin libra, why didn’t it come from pound? Why do both Americans and Brits ignore the “ematic” which is also obvious? Because they both are shortening the word. American and British English began bifurcating in 1776 when governance did, and we shorten the word in different ways. (Brits might say 1783, when they finally admitted to our independence.)

On the other hand LEGO® is not an abbreviation, it is the registered name of a company, its products, and, at least in the US, also a reference to the individual blocks which make up its product. When referring to multiple blocks, Legos seems rather obvious and shorter than saying “LEGO® blocks.”

OK, Brits originally developed the language. I understand you get more upset about Americanisms than we get about Briticisms. However, the mother languages of all former colonial powers have tended toward independent change in their former colonies. “You do you, we’ll do us, thanks.”

Profile photo for Aidan Bonner

I was unaware that LEGO wanted people to refer to them as “LEGO Bricks.” At a guess, I would say Americans refer to them as simply “LEGOs” because unless you check the fine print regarding trademarks, it never really says anywhere that they are specifically “LEGO Bricks,” or because there are so many different pieces that calling them all “Bricks” doesn't seem right.

Profile photo for Paul Reiber

It’s not clear where you got your definition of “correct”.

First, the LEGO brand name is all caps.

Second, the plastic pieces in LEGO sets aren’t called ‘LEGOs’ nor are they called ‘bricks’ - they’re called LEGO elements.

Profile photo for Quora User

For the same reason we say Kleenex when we mean facial tissue or Qtips when we mean those little cotton swabs. Sometimes the brand becomes synonymous with the product and gets used in reference with official and similar products alike.

Profile photo for Guillermo René Ramírez Bonilla

In Spanish, it’d be extremely awkward to say it the “right way”. “Recoge esos ladrillos Lego” is too long and “recoge esos ladrillos” by itself is just weird. So we just say Legos.

Again, maybe this is a huge campaign in Europe or at least in the Anglo-countries outside of the USA, but I think it’s fairly natural to just call them “Legos”.

Profile photo for Ryan Sørensen

I think it is that way in most English speaking countries: And technically, the correct term for LEGO bricks would be the original Danish “LEGO klodser”. But I suppose the reason why people say LEGOs is because it takes less time to say.

Profile photo for Stephen Osman

The correct term is “element”, as not all (by a long way) LEGO parts are bricks. It should also be noted, LEGO should always be all in capitals, for 2 reasons:

  1. That's how the company writes it
  2. It's an acronym, short for the Danish “Leg Godt” meaning “play well”
Profile photo for Quora User

It's like the shortening of anything else... you take weB and LOG, and you have blog. Similarly, you have LEGO and brickS, so you have LEGOs. Is it really that shocking that Americans are so lazy that we don't want to say LEGO bricks every time we refer to them in plural? And I mean, really, can you just ever be referencing one LEGO brick in conversation?

Oh, and the LEGO company insists on it being all caps, so you should probably correct yourself before the LEGO police come :)

Profile photo for Jim Doherty

Because the point of shortening a polysyllabic word to a single-syllable word is to make it easier to say, and “maths” is hard to say.

You don’t believe me? Try it.

Profile photo for Matt Sailors

Short answer: ignorance and adoption of the vernacular.

Long answer: Most people in the United States (and probably around the world) pluralize the brand name “LEGO” using their language’s rules for creating plural nouns without thinking about if there is a special case for the noun (this is why in American English you hear some people refer to “deers” or “gooses” instead of the correct plural forms“deer” and “geese”). This often starts in childhood because of naivete and becomes a hard-to-break habit. Because of this overwhelming tide of common usage, media has adopted the same term. A few out

Short answer: ignorance and adoption of the vernacular.

Long answer: Most people in the United States (and probably around the world) pluralize the brand name “LEGO” using their language’s rules for creating plural nouns without thinking about if there is a special case for the noun (this is why in American English you hear some people refer to “deers” or “gooses” instead of the correct plural forms“deer” and “geese”). This often starts in childhood because of naivete and becomes a hard-to-break habit. Because of this overwhelming tide of common usage, media has adopted the same term. A few outlets have done the research to find the correct term of “LEGO brand building bricks,” but they are few and far between. The most interesting situations occur when a prerecorded piece which correctly refers to “LEGO brand building bricks” (or similar preferred description) which is then followed by a live commentator saying, “Yeah, I loved Legos as a kid, too.”

Profile photo for R.B. Amick

Many Americans don’t realize that Lego is the name of a Danish toy company and that the name Lego is actually a combination of Danish words meaning, “play well.” So instead, Lego is associated with the plastic bricks, and since there are so many sizes and shapes to those colorful bricks that we enjoy so much, we end up referring to them as Legos.

It understandably seems odd to someone who knows the background of the company, but that’s the basic reason why so many say Legos instead of Lego.

Profile photo for Adam Brower

These are just two of the many and ghastly crimes perpetrated against the innocent English language by those dreadfully ignorant Americans.

In Denmark, nobody gives a crap, though, because with or without the “s”, those ignorant Americans provide 80 per cent of the company’s income.

Lego was forced to scale back its advertising because it couldn’t meet American demand for the product. What does a single letter matter?

Profile photo for Rob Brown

Well, do you say “a Lego”? What do you refer to a single piece as?

If you say “a Lego,” you’ve really kind of got to refer to more than one as “Legos.” If you say “a Lego brick,” (even if the piece doesn’t look like a brick), you are making Lego’s trademark lawyers happy but wasting words and sounding pretentious

I only accept weird pluralization on ancient words like “deer” that have a good excuse. As far as I’m concerned, “Lego” is identical to “hair”…it can be used to refer to individual pieces (in singular or plural) or used as a mass noun. That’s just convenient and makes best use of handy

Well, do you say “a Lego”? What do you refer to a single piece as?

If you say “a Lego,” you’ve really kind of got to refer to more than one as “Legos.” If you say “a Lego brick,” (even if the piece doesn’t look like a brick), you are making Lego’s trademark lawyers happy but wasting words and sounding pretentious

I only accept weird pluralization on ancient words like “deer” that have a good excuse. As far as I’m concerned, “Lego” is identical to “hair”…it can be used to refer to individual pieces (in singular or plural) or used as a mass noun. That’s just convenient and makes best use of handy features of the English language.

I also refuse to upper case the whole word. It’s not even an acronym. Next they are going to ask you to make it in italic. You have to draw a line somewhere.

Profile photo for Frank Dauenhauer

Why do Americans unnecessarily pluralise Lego but ignore the obvious S in mathematics when shortening it to math?

I don’t know anything about Legos, but when shortening a word, all we have to do to accomplish that is remove some of the letters contained in the word. “Math” is just as valid a shortening of “mathematics” as “maths.”

Profile photo for David Eaton

Well… that depends. Did you mean LEGO the company, LEGO the brand, or LEGO the product? Unfortunately, LEGO (the company) has kind of mooshed these together.

LEGO (the company) was originally founded as a carpentry shop— Ole Kirk Christiansen took over the “Billund Woodworking and Carpenter’s Shop”, which was founded in 1895 (technically, I expect it had the equivalent name in Danish). When Ole bought it in 1916, it doesn’t seem like he changed the name. It was probably still referred to similarly, without a real formal business name.

In 1932, he had to close down temporarily, and then reopened

Well… that depends. Did you mean LEGO the company, LEGO the brand, or LEGO the product? Unfortunately, LEGO (the company) has kind of mooshed these together.

LEGO (the company) was originally founded as a carpentry shop— Ole Kirk Christiansen took over the “Billund Woodworking and Carpenter’s Shop”, which was founded in 1895 (technically, I expect it had the equivalent name in Danish). When Ole bought it in 1916, it doesn’t seem like he changed the name. It was probably still referred to similarly, without a real formal business name.

In 1932, he had to close down temporarily, and then reopened after getting some loans, and started making toys. But they didn’t have a brand name on them— they were just … the toys they made. So in 1934, Ole decided to give them an official name: “LEGO” (from the Danish “Leg Godt”, for “Play Well”).

It’s not clear to me whether or not he renamed the business to “LEGO” at that point, or if “LEGO” was merely the brand they started using on all their toys. After all, I believe they were still producing other wooden products as well, such as stepladders, ironing boards, etc. But certainly, the name “LEGO” was added to all their toys at the time, so that people would associate the brand name with the quality craftsmanship that they were made with.

Fast forward to 1949. I don’t believe they were still making other products at this point OTHER than toys, although I’m not totally sure. I expect that they also started calling their company “LEGO” by this point, possibly after the fire in 1942 (they had at least 4 separate fires that impacted their business over the years). LEGO now was making plastic toys (started in 1947), and also introduced the building-brick product in 1949. But they didn’t call it “LEGO”. They called the product “Automatic Binding Bricks”.

So, that’s the first name of the LEGO building-brick product. BUT, they also weren’t terribly fond of that lengthy name. Godtfred Kirk Christiansen (the founder’s son, who was gradually getting more prominent in the company) absolutely loved the bricks, and thought they were the future of the business. He was looking to catapult the company to the next level of success around the building bricks, around 1954–1955.

Around that time, LEGO also started switching to the name “Mursten”, meaning “Bricks” in Danish. Hence, the product was now referred to as “LEGO Mursten”— the same way that we might say “Hasbro Transformers”.

But people were complaining about LEGO’s Mursten product. They had some issues with it that made it annoying to work with. So in 1958, they re-designed the way that they were made, using a stud-and-tube system that was patented in many countries. Further, they now started calling this the “LEGO System”.

And now, the confusing part.

In 1960, they had another fire. It destroyed the wooden toys division of the company (which Godtfred’s other family members were running), and Godtfred had to decide if they would rebuild it. He decided not to. By this time, the plastic building bricks were the vast bulk of LEGO’s product line and income. He made the conscious decision to ONLY keep making the building bricks, and leave the other products fade away. (His brothers disagreed, and started a new company, “Bilofix” which continued making wooden toys.)

And so, at this point, LEGO the company / Brand name was really only making ONE product (the building bricks), which no longer really needed any specific product designation. They were just “LEGO”.

This has become a little odd in later years, since LEGO has had several other building products (DUPLO, ZNAP, Scala, Quatro, etc, some of which have very different building methods), and even had made totally different things (like a clothing line in the late 1990s!)

So, the answer is it depends on what you mean!

The company? Then maybe “Billund Woodworking and Carpenter’s Shop”.

The brand name? Then probably nothing— it was always LEGO or nothing!

The product? Then maybe “Automatic Binding Bricks”, “Mursten” or “System”!

Profile photo for Quora User

Because there's more than one block.

Profile photo for Clayburn Griffin

Because sometimes there are more than one Lego! In fact, most of the time there are more than one.

In English, you typically make a noun plural by adding an S, so therefore you get Legos (or Legoes).

The LEGO Group insists on not using Lego as a noun to protect their copyright, that’s all. Despite this Lego as a noun and the plural Legos are widespread.

Profile photo for Darren Morrissey

To answer my own question - mostly I use Lego’s own naming convention, with a few exceptions:

These are ‘slippers’:

And my brothers and I referred to these as ‘biggies’ when we were kids. No idea why, but it’s stuck well into my 40’s:

To answer my own question - mostly I use Lego’s own naming convention, with a few exceptions:

These are ‘slippers’:

And my brothers and I referred to these as ‘biggies’ when we were kids. No idea why, but it’s stuck well into my 40’s:

Profile photo for David Eaton

So, first off, “LEGO” is kind of unfortunately named. “LEGO” is a company, like Hasbro, Mattel, or Bandai. But essentially their only product is … not really properly named. People call their product “LEGO”, which is strange.

But I think the answer you’re looking for is “Automatic Binding Bricks”. But let’s look at the history anyway:

In 1932, Ole Kirk’s woodworking shop started making toys, but they didn’t have a brand name.

In 1934, they came up with a brand name of “LEGO” for their wooden toys. But they didn’t have any plastic bricks yet.

In 1947, they started making plastic toys, which were al

So, first off, “LEGO” is kind of unfortunately named. “LEGO” is a company, like Hasbro, Mattel, or Bandai. But essentially their only product is … not really properly named. People call their product “LEGO”, which is strange.

But I think the answer you’re looking for is “Automatic Binding Bricks”. But let’s look at the history anyway:

In 1932, Ole Kirk’s woodworking shop started making toys, but they didn’t have a brand name.

In 1934, they came up with a brand name of “LEGO” for their wooden toys. But they didn’t have any plastic bricks yet.

In 1947, they started making plastic toys, which were also branded as “LEGO”.

In 1949, LEGO started making its now famous building bricks, which were called “Automatic Binding Bricks”. These were a copy of KiddiCraft’s similar product from 1945, which were called “Self-Locking Bricks”.

In the 1950s, LEGO started referring to its building bricks as “Mursten”, which means “brick” in Danish.

In 1958, they got the patent on their new stud-and-tube building system, which sometimes is used to delineate “Automatic Binding Bricks” and “modern LEGO bricks”.

In 1960, after a fire destroyed their wooden toys division (they had a lot of fires at LEGO, actually), they decided to abandon wooden toys completely. They also pretty much stopped making anything else OTHER than their plastic building bricks.

Henceforth, LEGO has become used to refer to both the company and the product, even though that’s … confusing.

If you want to get technical, LEGO has several different building systems for its building products, including:

  • LEGO System (the normal stud-and-tube style building pieces)
  • LEGO Technic (axles, gears, etc)
  • LEGO DUPLO (large-size stud-and-tube pieces)
  • LEGO Quatro (even-larger size stud-and-tube building system)
  • LEGO Soft (an-even-yet-larger size stud-and-tube system)
  • LEGO Modulex (a micro-sized stud-and-tube system)
  • LEGO Clikits (a system for decorative items like jewelry and other things)
  • LEGO Scala (a dollhouse furniture system, as well as a jewelry lineup from the late 1970s)
  • LEGO ZNAP (a system kind of similar to K’Nex)

They’ve also done a few other oddball products that aren’t necessarily named per se, like the constraction figures system and the system for Galidor. And some other stuff that’s arguably its own system like LEGO Toolo or LEGO Muji.

Profile photo for Rune Ørnfeldt Svensson

LEGO’s original name was LEGO. It is the shortened Danish form of “leg godt”, which in English means “play well”. Incidentally, lego also means “assemble” in Latin (it also means “read”). So LEGO is a really fortunate name.
The patent from 1958 says “Box-shaped elements with coupling stubs”. The patent on the interlocking bricks expired in 1989.

What is unfortunate, is that lego’s has become a colloquially synonymous name for toy building bricks produced by other firms. Best comparison may be the word “hoover”, which in the UK is synonymous with vacuum-cleaners, not just those made by the The H

LEGO’s original name was LEGO. It is the shortened Danish form of “leg godt”, which in English means “play well”. Incidentally, lego also means “assemble” in Latin (it also means “read”). So LEGO is a really fortunate name.
The patent from 1958 says “Box-shaped elements with coupling stubs”. The patent on the interlocking bricks expired in 1989.

What is unfortunate, is that lego’s has become a colloquially synonymous name for toy building bricks produced by other firms. Best comparison may be the word “hoover”, which in the UK is synonymous with vacuum-cleaners, not just those made by the The Hoover Company.

LEGO’s 1958 patent.

Profile photo for Quora User

My mental names for various bricks probably have to do with my dyscalculia. A “one block” should be pretty obvious. What you and your brothers called “biggies” were my “two blocks,” and a 2x2 was a “four block” (likewise, a 2x4 = “eight block”). I tended to name them mentally, and when playing with my sister, after the total number of pips on top. (They didn’t really start having specialized parts, or I didn’t, until the Lego Space series launched. Today, my nephew and niece are incredulous that when the first Lego Castle sets came out, we had to build the horses.)

You might think that a 1x4 wo

My mental names for various bricks probably have to do with my dyscalculia. A “one block” should be pretty obvious. What you and your brothers called “biggies” were my “two blocks,” and a 2x2 was a “four block” (likewise, a 2x4 = “eight block”). I tended to name them mentally, and when playing with my sister, after the total number of pips on top. (They didn’t really start having specialized parts, or I didn’t, until the Lego Space series launched. Today, my nephew and niece are incredulous that when the first Lego Castle sets came out, we had to build the horses.)

You might think that a 1x4 would have just as much right to be called a “four block,” and that my nomenclature would be confusing. Well, yeah. I imagine so. I didn’t say that it was a good system, just that it was my system.

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