Before we see which field is better for whom first we will see what is digital marketing and coding and whats the difference in both of them.

Digital marketing - digital marketing is a way to connecting with people and organizations through social networks, websites and other applications and in return we obtain leads, sales and traffic. This refers to marketing that happens in the most recent form such as through computers, tablets, mobile phones, anything that is technological.

coding - in simple words coding means to creating various software , websites, apps by using computer language like Html, C++ etc.

Differences among both of them ? first of all it is important to understand they both are two different or distinct paths, in which both of them has there own Merits and Demerits , but both of them plays a very important role in today's world scenario. Firstly it important to note that digital marketing is much easier then the coding, so you can get job easier with digital marketing. but if you want to generate more money at early stage of your job then you can go for coding or programming as the starting salary of coders is approx 50000 INR to 100000 INR, as compare to digital marketing you can get approx 20 000 INR to 35 000 INR at early stage of your job. but it also depends upon the experience an individual if you have good experience then definitely you can get a better package.

With both of them, you can do freelancing, but with digital marketing, you can get freelancing projects easier then the coding or programming as it mainly focuses on improving and maintaining the computer tech with the help of computer languages. and with the help of digital marketing, you can provide other services also like SEO, web designing , content marketing, graphic designing, etc.

Both of them includes there merits and demerits like Digital marketing is cost-effective, and it allows you to grow your own businesses and it includes all the social media platforms where you can promote your product and services , plus with digital marketing you can also do affiliate marketing , but there are some demerits also like there very high competition in digital marketing , rapid changes in various algorithms , and cyber threats. on the other hand with coding you can enhance your problem solving skills especially that is computer bases, improve your data accuracy but in this field also there are some demerits like it very time-consuming, Frustrating, hard to learn etc. And you can learn digital marketing in approx 4-5 months and in coding or programming you have to give approx 9-10 months or more.

(Conclusion) Our final thoughts on coding or digital marketing which better, so for those who have more creative skills , and can understand marketing skills, strategies properly and want to have many other ways to earn then they should go for digital marketing. And coding can be preferable for those who have good logical , math skills and are good in understanding computer languages. hence, both the options are good and are future proof.

If you want to know more about Digital marketing field then you can visit

Top 5 best Advantages Of Digital Marketing Must Read
advantages of digital marketing that you should know 1, Increase your online visibility 2. generate leads 3. Increased Customer Engagement 4. boost brand
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