Yes. See link for proof.
You may not like the source, but that doesn't make it any less true!
Kamala Harris is a walking, talking disaster. An embodiment of what happens when merit is tossed aside for political favor.
Her speeches are a labyrinthine nightmare where sentences wander aimlessly, never finding their point or purpose, making even the most mundane of topics
seem like rocket science. Her handling of the border wasn’t just a failure; it was a full blown abdication of responsibility,
Kamala Harris is a walking, talking disaster. An embodiment of what happens when merit is tossed aside for political favor.
Her speeches are a labyrinthine nightmare where sentences wander aimlessly, never finding their point or purpose, making even the most mundane of topics
seem like rocket science. Her handling of the border wasn’t just a failure; it was a full blown abdication of responsibility, showcasing a level of incompetence
that would be laughable if it wasn’t so damaging.
Ms. Harris transformed the vice presidency into a punchline, with her notorious cackle serving as the soundtrack.
She the political equivalent of a broken record, stuck on repeat with nothing to say but saying it very, very loudly.
Every time she opens her mouth, it’s a reminder that the Peter Principle is alive and well, with Ms. Harris having risen to her level of incompetence with
alarming efficiency.
She is not just out of he...
Not the answer you wanted.
The answer you got, however.
I’ve seen no evidence of it. What makes you ask that question?

Brutally Honest Answer: YES
For a some time before Trump’s campaign announcement I used to be an internet shitlord on /pol/, mostly for edgy teenage humor. For a while, I used to believe some pretty disgusting things about black people and other minorities - not the individuals I knew in real life, but the group in general. At an angsty time in my high school life, I found community in an obscure circlejerk of schadenfreude, bullying, and smug superiority. My brain was ecstatic from all the dopamine hits breaking society’s taboos and trolling/offending people.
Make no mistake, the hatred is genu
Brutally Honest Answer: YES
For a some time before Trump’s campaign announcement I used to be an internet shitlord on /pol/, mostly for edgy teenage humor. For a while, I used to believe some pretty disgusting things about black people and other minorities - not the individuals I knew in real life, but the group in general. At an angsty time in my high school life, I found community in an obscure circlejerk of schadenfreude, bullying, and smug superiority. My brain was ecstatic from all the dopamine hits breaking society’s taboos and trolling/offending people.
Make no mistake, the hatred is genuine. I wasn’t a serious racist at first, but I grew into one, mostly as a result of (cherry-picked) “red pill” knowledge of “black crime” vindicated by groupthink and confirmation bias.
Once Trump announced his candidacy, though, I decided “fuck this shit, I don’t wan’t to be a hater and a killjoy voting for this fucking buffoon”. I was alt-right before the term became popular, an OG Kekistani who was there for #GamerGate and other inciting culture wars that would make alt-right figureheads like Milo and Crowder famous. I’m kind of a hipster, in that I never wanted the subculture to go “mainstream”, because I could sense the innate intellectual dishonesty in many of their positions and didn’t want to embarass myself by embracing the side of willfully ignorant idiots.
Over the next year, I could only watch in awe as many more of my fellow Americans “took the red pill” (a term coined by a Transwoman) and followed the exact same pathology of sociopathic, anti-intellectual hate I once fell into. I still supported Trump’s anti-establishment populism and (supposed) economic centrism, which I foolishly bought into to the point of voting for him over Clinton, in a solid-blue state where it wouldn’t make a difference either way because swing states decide our presidential elections.
Once the man was elected, I immediately saw the error of my ways, and how this presidency was going to be a complete disaster for the country. I see now, that racial resentment is used by elites to pit low-class whites into voting against their own economic interests, if only to deprive the low racial castes of any sort of government assistance. It’s a cruel world we live in, and I highly regret contributing in whatever small way to that cruelty when I was younger. I’ve disavowed bigotry forever, seeing now that it not only hurts the most vulnerable, but the bigots in question.
The only element I retain of those abhorrent politics I once espoused is populism, which I now exercise in my support for Bernie Sanders-style progressives who would ensure a level playing field defending the vulnerable against closet sado-racists like I used to be. Unfortunately, this election proved I was far from alone.
God, please forgive me for these terrible young sins I’ve committed. I feel tremendously guilty for laying down some of the initial timbers on this out-of-control wildfire now sweeping the planet.
Why should anyone care???? Anyone that votes for someone based solely on their race is short-sighted and intellectually weak. Quite frankly, race and gender should not enter into the equation. It is in our best interests as a country to elect the best qualified person…..the one with a platform and supporting policies that will enhance our country. Sadly, in my opinion, this is where Kamala falls short. Her performance on the tasks she was assigned as VP was lacking.
As a woman who grew up in an immigrant household, with brown skin, and who attended a HBCU, she has a well-informed awareness of the salience of race in this culture. Knowing that white people have and do often discriminate against blacks and immigrants is not racism. It’s common sense.
I don’t think that you’re going to be able to make “but she hates white people” stick—she is married to a white man, and she is the running mate of a white man. She is also step mom to two white children, who affectionately call her “Momola.”
Find another angle.
I personally consider it racist to try to strip people of their actual racial identity for any reason.
But those who consider it acceptable (i.e., not racist) to tell black conservatives that they are not “black enough” are deeply hypocritical if they suggest that questioning Harris's “blackness” is racist.
If racial identity is based on factors other than race, it ceases to be racial identity. It becomes instead a (racist) social club that requires both race and other factors to be admitted to membership. If that club is going to make up a bunch of detailed rules about who can and cannot be a m
I personally consider it racist to try to strip people of their actual racial identity for any reason.
But those who consider it acceptable (i.e., not racist) to tell black conservatives that they are not “black enough” are deeply hypocritical if they suggest that questioning Harris's “blackness” is racist.
If racial identity is based on factors other than race, it ceases to be racial identity. It becomes instead a (racist) social club that requires both race and other factors to be admitted to membership. If that club is going to make up a bunch of detailed rules about who can and cannot be a member, no one should be surprised when anyone's right to membership is questioned.
- Lives matter. If you have to put a color in front of it, you might be racist.
- Who is pushing to reinstitute racially segregated spaces, modern liberals or conservatives?
- Who is behind the recent attacks on Asian Americans, modern liberals or conservatives?
- Who states that people have to act, talk, and vote a certain way based on their skin color?
- Who is making the racial “Uncle Tom” remarks? (You could add “coconut” and “Oreo” in there, too.)
- Which group believes that non-whites are too ignorant to obtain or do not already possess legal ID?
These ideas have become the mainstream “liberal” ideology.
- Lives matter. If you have to put a color in front of it, you might be racist.
- Who is pushing to reinstitute racially segregated spaces, modern liberals or conservatives?
- Who is behind the recent attacks on Asian Americans, modern liberals or conservatives?
- Who states that people have to act, talk, and vote a certain way based on their skin color?
- Who is making the racial “Uncle Tom” remarks? (You could add “coconut” and “Oreo” in there, too.)
- Which group believes that non-whites are too ignorant to obtain or do not already possess legal ID?
These ideas have become the mainstream “liberal” ideology. You will always find extremists, but these ideas are what the political leadership is pushing. Not hard to tell which side illustrates mainstream racism.
At the age of 59, I think it’s a little too late for her to change career tracks and pursue a career in NASCAR or IndyCar.
So I would not expect to see her going to the races anytime soon, unless it’s as a VIP guest.
She slept her way to the top in California, she has NO CLUE what is going around her while trying to show a serious side to her, she has that maniacal laugh when asked a hard-hitting question, and NEVER ANSWERS IT!!!
She called Joe Biden a racist during the primaries, and then accepted his invitation to run with him as VP. (If she REALLY thought he was a racist, why would she JOIN FORCES with him?)
She is in it for KAMALA, the people be damned!
Let’s try to stay factual. Harris challenged Biden’s record on racial issues, but as has been observed:
Harris noted at the time that she did not believe Biden was racist, but found his comments hurtful.
I find it very interesting that people keep finding it necessary to make things up to attack Biden or Harris.
Plainly their opponents are running scared.
Please, keep it up. Works for me.
Racists are going to be unhappy no matter who wins.
Harris is married to a white Jewish husband.
Vance is married to an Indian American women.
The folks concerned with race are fighting a losing battle. Close on 11% of Americans now identify as mixed race, almost tripling fron the number recorded in 2010.
I find I can usually tell the trolls from the real racists. Trolls are just horsing around, but rants by real racists tend to have an edge of desperation to them. They're being victimized, you see. They're fighting for their very existence, their traditions, their culture, their faith, their backs to the wall, against encroaching "genocide" by the proliferation of people of other races and culture
I find I can usually tell the trolls from the real racists. Trolls are just horsing around, but rants by real racists tend to have an edge of desperation to them. They're being victimized, you see. They're fighting for their very existence, their traditions, their culture, their faith, their backs to the wall, against encroaching "genocide" by the proliferation of people of other races and cultures and religions around them.
Trolls tend to be kids and very young adults, who think they're being cute by spewing the most socially unacceptable ("politically incorrect") verbiage they can think of. Your bona fide racists and other sorts of bigot tend to be over 30, and more likely between 45 and 60. Their rage is tempered by the latent whining of people who have been wronged and hard done by all their lives by the unfair benefits, advantages, and media attenti...
There are two kinds of racists - the explicit ones who will make their voices heard, revealing their identity regardless of the consequences, and the closet racists who are as vile (or more) but fear the repercussions.
Internet as platform provides a false sense of anonymity to most. I use the term "false sense" because you are always leaving a trail behind. But I digress. The perceived anonymity emboldens the closet racists to step out of the fringes and attack, or join the show. They are more likely to spew venom of the kind you would never have imagined. In my role as an advisor to a large i
There are two kinds of racists - the explicit ones who will make their voices heard, revealing their identity regardless of the consequences, and the closet racists who are as vile (or more) but fear the repercussions.
Internet as platform provides a false sense of anonymity to most. I use the term "false sense" because you are always leaving a trail behind. But I digress. The perceived anonymity emboldens the closet racists to step out of the fringes and attack, or join the show. They are more likely to spew venom of the kind you would never have imagined. In my role as an advisor to a large internet based firm I had first hand experience in one of my audits.
On the other hand, there are the infamous trolls who resort to the 3Ps (poke, prod and provoke) just to incite and get a volley of responses, because for some reason they enjoy the process. Sadists in my opinion.
Out of curiosity, how do you personally define “racist’? The former California Attorney General Kamala Harris became a U.S. Senator before being chosen by her former Senate colleague Joe Biden to be America’s first woman Vice President in January 2021—and also the first Indian, and first African-American to serve as Vice President. VP Harris’s mother was the daughter of an Indian diplomat who specialized in cancer research and her Jamaica-born dad was a professor at Stanford University. Kamala’s husband. Douglas Emhoff, is an attorney and he is also Caucasian.
Bottom line: There is not a racist
Out of curiosity, how do you personally define “racist’? The former California Attorney General Kamala Harris became a U.S. Senator before being chosen by her former Senate colleague Joe Biden to be America’s first woman Vice President in January 2021—and also the first Indian, and first African-American to serve as Vice President. VP Harris’s mother was the daughter of an Indian diplomat who specialized in cancer research and her Jamaica-born dad was a professor at Stanford University. Kamala’s husband. Douglas Emhoff, is an attorney and he is also Caucasian.
Bottom line: There is not a racist bone in Kamala Harris’ body. There are NO WAYS (as your question asks) that our esteemed scholarly Vice President Kamala Harris is racist against anyone. How about you?
She ran with a pretty crappy background, and then, when called out on said crappy background, she claimed that the person pointing out her shitty background was a Russian agent.
No one believes Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian agent (except, apparently, the barely literate Jay Spinner down below). She’s a combat veteran for fuck’s sake.
But she pointed out a few decent things about Harris’ record (and left a few unsaid which were quickly uncovered by the media) that should give everyone pause about her.
And why not? Harris’ record as prosecutor, DA, and AG in California is one that is fraught with ques
She ran with a pretty crappy background, and then, when called out on said crappy background, she claimed that the person pointing out her shitty background was a Russian agent.
No one believes Tulsi Gabbard is a Russian agent (except, apparently, the barely literate Jay Spinner down below). She’s a combat veteran for fuck’s sake.
But she pointed out a few decent things about Harris’ record (and left a few unsaid which were quickly uncovered by the media) that should give everyone pause about her.
And why not? Harris’ record as prosecutor, DA, and AG in California is one that is fraught with questionable practices, from her employees REFUSING TO RELEASE A MAN IN PRISON AFTER THEY WERE CAUGHT FABRICATING EVIDENCE to her decision to bring charges against owners of Backpage and Craigslist EVEN THOUGH THERE HAD BEEN NO CRIME COMMITTED UNDER CALIFORNIA LAW. Add to that the fact that it certainly seems very believable that she slept her way to the position she was in, and combine that with her bragging about smoking weed while also being a heavy-handed marijuana law enforcer, and she’s just an unlikable candidate.
Turns out that she’s a pretty unlikable person, too, who let her sister, someone with no serious experience in campaigning, run her political campaign. Frankly, it sounds more like Harris’ presidential run was a half-hearted attempt to make some profit and to walk off with nearly ten million dollars for her next senate run.
Harris basically did everything wrong, and had nothing in her favor other than her skin color and sex placing her higher up in the pantheon of Democrat victimhood.
I’m not taking your bet, I am afraid, as I think what you say is pretty certain to happen.
Those pretending that a woman with an Afro-Jamaican father and two Afro-Jamaican grandparents and an Indian mother and two Indian grandparents cannot identify as “black” are the same people trying so hard not to call her a n¡gger. And they will revert to type once Kamala Harris is elected President.
Who is Kamala Harris, really? You said she was:
"A draconian prosecutor and fake progressive.”
“A prostitute.” She's not trump!
“Slept her way to the White House.” Of course, she did, and you were there right beside her to prove it.
“An Indian and pretended to be Black, but she isn’t." No, she’s not. She’s a born and bred American like you.
Those comments in italics are what I read today. They’re reacting to the question, Who is Kamala Harris Really? It's just another pitiful reminder that the immature rubbish America is producing from the right-wing Republicans to reply to this calibre of question
Who is Kamala Harris, really? You said she was:
"A draconian prosecutor and fake progressive.”
“A prostitute.” She's not trump!
“Slept her way to the White House.” Of course, she did, and you were there right beside her to prove it.
“An Indian and pretended to be Black, but she isn’t." No, she’s not. She’s a born and bred American like you.
Those comments in italics are what I read today. They’re reacting to the question, Who is Kamala Harris Really? It's just another pitiful reminder that the immature rubbish America is producing from the right-wing Republicans to reply to this calibre of question is just another load of shit to sling at just another woman.
Kamala Devi Harris was born in Oakland, California on October 20, 1964. How ironic is it in this instance, that her name Kamala means “lotus” signifying the Empowerment Of Women?
In 1990 she passed the bar. Four years later she began dating Willie Brown. Twelve months after that she and Brown parted company. “Kamala told me there was no permanency in our relationship, And she was absolutely right.”
Harris was elected district attorney in 2003.
California was offered $4 billion to settle the national mortgage foreclosure crisis but Harris secured $20 billion for California homeowners.
Many of you whinged that Harris didn’t do enough to address police brutality while she was attorney general. While she was verbally whipped for refusing to investigate the police shootings of two Black men in 2014 and 2015, she sure as hell did not support a 2015 bill that would have required her to be the prosecutor who specialised in defending the use of deadly force by police.
She married Doug Emhoff, a corporate lawyer in Los Angeles, in 2014.
In 2017 she reduced then-Attorney General Jeff Sessions to a trembling wreck after 3½ minutes of persistent questioning in relation to the Russians meddling in the election. Sessions said, “I’m not able to be rushed this fast! It makes me nervous.”
And that's precisely what makes people like you shrink from from a powerful woman like Kamala Harris because you know damn well, she'll do the same to you given half a chance.
Well she could emulate Trump.
Well she could emulate Trump.
It is indeed.
I was careless in reading your question., misinterpreted it, and I apologize for the snark. It was uncalled for.
My original answer:
“Yes, your question is racist. It doesn’t speak well of you”.
No. It absolutely should not matter.
However, Harris has made it matter. Harris and people like her, are entirely beholden to the identity politics game; and will thus align themselves with whatever identity, or put themselves in a wrapper, that they deem will be most condusive to their political goals. In this instance, it's the Black vote (however, not ALL Black people are falling for this shuck-n-jive show).
Progressives like Harris know and understand that, unfortunately, America is full of those who will vote skin color first and foremost, subsequently putting this otherwise completely irre
No. It absolutely should not matter.
However, Harris has made it matter. Harris and people like her, are entirely beholden to the identity politics game; and will thus align themselves with whatever identity, or put themselves in a wrapper, that they deem will be most condusive to their political goals. In this instance, it's the Black vote (however, not ALL Black people are falling for this shuck-n-jive show).
Progressives like Harris know and understand that, unfortunately, America is full of those who will vote skin color first and foremost, subsequently putting this otherwise completely irrelevant detail above everything else, such as intelligence, experience, ideological beliefs and intent, just so the first “insert designation", can be elected. We saw this with the election of Barack Obama, and in turn, look at the damage that was done.
The same women who exclaims in election ads she is for an "America where you only need one job to make ends meet”, has been the Vise President for almost four GD years already.
WHAT the hell has she been doing? Oh, waitaminit, Border Czar. My bad.
Have people really bc this stupid that they cannot see how ridiculous a Harris presidency truly is. Has general intelligence gone down this much?
No. However US citizens are fixated with race
There is no reason to think that Kamala Harris, herself a multi-racial person, is racist.
Absolutely, as she supports discriminating both against and on behalf of people on the basis of their race (as well as their ethnicity, gender and other innate characteristics, but that’s a separate question). She claims to be engaging in racism in the name of “addressing inequities” but if you simply reverse the races of those involved (e.g., in her advocacy for reparations), her motivation is obviously and inarguably racist in nature — it’s simply racist in a manner that others the radical progressive left not only approve of, but insist upon.
She’s married to a Jew.
It makes as much sense as to claim Ukraine is a Nazi country with a Jewish President. Incidentallt, it tends to be said by the same Russian trollbots.
Are you asking if Kamila Harris is a correct person to shoulder the burden of being a political representative and a correct choice? Absolutely. Very capable.
Are you asking if she is somehow constrained in her actions in order to appear “politically correct”? No, she is quite capable of thinking for herself, assessing her constituency, determining what is right and acting accordingly.
BTW: Have you
Are you asking if Kamila Harris is a correct person to shoulder the burden of being a political representative and a correct choice? Absolutely. Very capable.
Are you asking if she is somehow constrained in her actions in order to appear “politically correct”? No, she is quite capable of thinking for herself, assessing her constituency, determining what is right and acting accordingly.
BTW: Have you ever thought of the meaning of the term “poli...
Dougla, in the Caribbean.
Dougla means half Indian and Half Black in places like Jamacia, Trinidad and Tobago, and Guyana. Dougla people - Wikipedia
Ashley from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air played by Tatyana Ali is also a Dougla. Tatyana Ali - Wikipedia
While not all of half Indian and Half of African descent there are many people that are of African and Indian ancestry including me.
Chilli from TLC:
Singer Melanie Fiona
Rapper Special Ed:
Rapper Nikki Minaj:
Dougla, in the Caribbean.
Dougla means half Indian and Half Black in places like Jamacia, Trinidad and Tobago, and Guyana. Dougla people - Wikipedia
Ashley from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air played by Tatyana Ali is also a Dougla. Tatyana Ali - Wikipedia
While not all of half Indian and Half of African descent there are many people that are of African and Indian ancestry including me.
Chilli from TLC:
Singer Melanie Fiona
Rapper Special Ed:
Rapper Nikki Minaj:
What has she done to oppress others? Deny others their rights?
Can anyone list any specific racist actions?
One Quora writer says she probably is, which is sort of silly to me.
If there is a specific racist incident that any wish to describe I’d be happy to hear it.
Also, what would be her benefit?
Looking at Michelle Obama’s life doesn’t suggest to me any such thing.
But in this crazy world, there are
What has she done to oppress others? Deny others their rights?
Can anyone list any specific racist actions?
One Quora writer says she probably is, which is sort of silly to me.
If there is a specific racist incident that any wish to describe I’d be happy to hear it.
Also, what would be her benefit?
Looking at Michelle Obama’s life doesn’t suggest to me any such thing.
But in this crazy world, there are always people online that like to twist and turn reality and the truth on its head.
Can you believe that there are people out there that believe that Michelle Obama is racist but Donald Trump isn’t?
Can you believe that there are people out there that believe that good people are members of the Neo-Nazi and White Supremacist groups?
What a bizarre world we live in.
Online trolls know that by inserting such things into our conversation it will last and may eventually be believed by those in the fu...
It’s a trope, they throw out something preposterous to get everyone off the track of Trump being TOO OLD! Well, we need to stop taking the bait. Even if Harris is a racist, (which I don’t believe she is) Donald Trump is FOR SURE. so what are you going to do? Chose the person you think is best out of the choices you have. What do we know about Trump? He confuses Harris with Nikki Haley, he wants to end the affordable care act and he has never offered a replacement, he is all about tax cuts for the billionaires, he was found guilty of fraud, of assaulting E Jean Carroll, of skipping his military
It’s a trope, they throw out something preposterous to get everyone off the track of Trump being TOO OLD! Well, we need to stop taking the bait. Even if Harris is a racist, (which I don’t believe she is) Donald Trump is FOR SURE. so what are you going to do? Chose the person you think is best out of the choices you have. What do we know about Trump? He confuses Harris with Nikki Haley, he wants to end the affordable care act and he has never offered a replacement, he is all about tax cuts for the billionaires, he was found guilty of fraud, of assaulting E Jean Carroll, of skipping his military service due to bone spurs - is that who you want? Even if it is, he’s so old, he’ll probably turn everything over to Vance within a month
No. These are people that follow Donald Trump and have nothing better to do than try and skew facts with alternate facts. Lies vs. the truth. The difference between Biden and Kamala Harris are glaring and apparent and the pairing wasn't exactly brilliant. She was a female and that's what he had to have to win.FULL STOP! BUT, she was an amazing woman because she came the vice presidential candidate, she is amazing woman before she became the vice president elect and she'll be an amazing woman when she's finished but I do not think that Biden was a good fit for her. Their policies are vastly dif
No. These are people that follow Donald Trump and have nothing better to do than try and skew facts with alternate facts. Lies vs. the truth. The difference between Biden and Kamala Harris are glaring and apparent and the pairing wasn't exactly brilliant. She was a female and that's what he had to have to win.FULL STOP! BUT, she was an amazing woman because she came the vice presidential candidate, she is amazing woman before she became the vice president elect and she'll be an amazing woman when she's finished but I do not think that Biden was a good fit for her. Their policies are vastly different but if anybody has any complaints about Kamala I would like to hear them first hand. Facts facts facts not alternative facts from Trump country
Opinions are not iron rods. You can bent them.
That means a person may appear racist in your opinion today but not necessarily so tomorrow.
Bottom line, do not waste your time finding others opinion about others. Have a good opinion about yourself first and that will help you develop a good opinion about others.
Hope that helps.
Uhhh… I'm going to go out on a limb here and say yes. My father always taught me that if you ever have to debate with yourself "Is this racist?" or "Is this offensive?" Chances are-YES! It probably is!
No. It should not matter. We should be beyond that stage. We should have seen Hershel Walker, candidate for the Georgia state congress, as Mr. Walker, candidate. Not as a black man. As a candidate. We should see Ms Harris as the Vice-President of the USA and as a presidential candidate.
Trump’s followers cannot see it that way because all they see is black. Who is bringing up the issue? They are. And what are they saying? That Ms. Harris is not really black.
This tells me that they are racist themselves and are projecting. They assume we are as racist as they are, only reversed. Because they hat
No. It should not matter. We should be beyond that stage. We should have seen Hershel Walker, candidate for the Georgia state congress, as Mr. Walker, candidate. Not as a black man. As a candidate. We should see Ms Harris as the Vice-President of the USA and as a presidential candidate.
Trump’s followers cannot see it that way because all they see is black. Who is bringing up the issue? They are. And what are they saying? That Ms. Harris is not really black.
This tells me that they are racist themselves and are projecting. They assume we are as racist as they are, only reversed. Because they hate black people, they assume we are only planning to vote for Ms. Harris because she’s black. And they want us to doubt that narrative so that we don’t vote for her.
As usual, their views are a waste of our time. But if you see questions on Quora about Vice-President Harris and whether she is black, then know that’s what their game is.
If not for Trump’s followers, this would not be an issue. It should not be an issue.
She says whatever her pollsters tell her to say—But the Dems only strategy is always racism—
Obama incurred repeated attacks on his eligibility because he wasn't a white man. These attacks were proven invalid when a certified birth certificate issued by the STATE of Hawaii. Apparently quite a few residents of the continental US still don't believe Hawaii is one of the fifty states. They probably don't recognize Alaska as a US state, probably because “it's in Canada”!.
These attacks continued by trump & the trumpettes eight YEARS after Obama left office.
Because she’s a politician.
The entire box from the bottom to the top of diverse, equal, inclusive “Party Of One, One People” is filled to the rim, busting at the seams, with racists. All under the sun is one and the same racist in the square-headed racist bizarro box, including the box! 🥶