This is Pikachu, I ran up to me meowing his head off, when he was 3 weeks old. I took care of him and bottle fed him. He became my shadow.
One night, he started running all over me growling. I thought it was the garbage truck because for some reason he always growled at the garbage truck. So I fell sleep again. Then he woke me up again running all over me and growling, this time I smelled burning rubber and I got up and open the door to check and there was smoke. My SUV caught fire in the garage. We all got out in time.
The second time, I got devastating news and I was in bed crying. He came and ever so gently laid down on my chest and started to purr loudly while touching my cheek with his paw.
The third time was when I came back early from school because I was experiencing low blood pressure. I laid down and fell asleep and all of a sudden I woke up to something pulling my lip. I was Pikachu who was standing over me. I fell asleep again only to be awoken again in the same way. This happened every 15 min over the course of 2 hours, until the last time he smelled me for a while and then turned around and left. I believed he knew when my blood pressure was dangerously low and he would wake me up.
He crossed the rainbow bridge when he was 13 years old, but not before teaching my other cats a thing or two.