Thank you, Hilda, for the question.
I think, to a certain degree, I suffered Imposter Syndrome throughout my collegiate days. Even until the final day of my graduate year, earning straight “A’s” during both semesters…I was scared to death I wasn’t good enough to go to college… didn’t BELONG in college…and was terrified of being booted out on my Capitol Rotunda.
Actually, Imposter Syndrome presented itself when I was still in 4th Grade. I remember being almost nauseous with fear…when report cards were sent home. I was convinced my finest efforts weren’t nearly good enough, and that I was going to flunk. This…in spite of the fact… as a 6th Grade student I was tested on my reading skills, comprehension and vocabulary…of a high school graduate.
In college and university, the fears were dramatically magnified.
Shortly before high school graduation, we were given an examination in our Senior English class. Most of us failed. Our teacher was furious with our poor showing on the exam. With hands on desk, he leaned over and quietly uttered a speech I have NEVER forgotten…since he spoke those words in 1968.
“All of you are going to graduate. Every ONE of you has been accepted to college or university. Now, I want to warn you about collegiate life. If you are an “A” student…now…you will be a “B” student in college. If you are a “B” student…now…you will be a “C” student in college. If you are a “C” student…now…don’t waste your time and your parent’s money. You will NOT succeed in college!”—Ed Beard, May 1968. English IV.
Out of a graduating class of 412 students…I was 272nd on the list. I was HARDLY an inspired student. (I was battling some very serious emotional and psychological issues during high school. Twice I tried to end my own life…almost succeeding in my junior year.)
Anyway, I “hit” college with a morbidly grim determination I was NOT going to fail. Oh, I had absolutely NO DOUBT I didn’t belong in college…and that was the motivation I used to graduate with Honors, in 1972…in the top10% of the School of Arts and Sciences…with a 3.43 GPA on a 4.0 scale…a solid B + average.
I studied as if my very life depended on how well I did. Even when I received my diploma…I was fully prepared to lift the cover…and find nothing inside…so convinced was I that I was going to be “found out”…and denied graduation at the end.
Even now…I consider myself to have been an over-achiever…who probably shouldn’t have even graduated from high school…and had NO business attending college and university.
I come from a long line of scientists and educators.
My great-grandfather was the 5th President of Dennison University…introducing a Math and Science curriculum to that all Liberal Arts College.
My grandfather taught both Chemistry and Physics at the university level, was author of two university level textbooks in Physics…”Matter and Energy” and “Man’s Physical Universe”, author of “Food Facts” while he taught Physics at Shanghai University…before being chased out by invading Japanese armies in the early 1930’s.
Dad taught junior high school Math and Science…introduced the first Power Mechanics course in the nation…was featured in an article of Life magazine…and won Teacher of the Year honors…the first year the school district introduced the award.
Both of my younger sisters were educators…the older at the university level…my youngest sister teaching primary school (K-3).
I think, in my case, Imposter Syndrome had its genesis both in societal expectations, accompanied with intense familial pressures. Just the KNOWLEDGE my forebears were extremely accomplished Scientists and Educators placed an enormous amount of pressure on me…when I was only 9.
The older I got, the greater was that pressure amplified. The older I got, the worse I felt…at earning even a “C” grade.
I feel sorry for our children. With all my heart, I WISH they could be allowed to ENJOY being a child… while they ARE children…They’ll be adults for such a long time…and reach adulthood…far too soon.
But, like me…our children are EXPECTED to go to college. Our children are EXPECTED to earn full academic scholarships. Our children are EXPECTED to succeed…
even when they are just little children.
“The top 10% of us are GOING to succeed…admirably. The REMAINING 90% are going to have to scramble…in a dog-eat-dog world…for the crumbs and leftovers.”—THAT was what I was taught, when I was just a little kid.
My family said that. My society said that. I had no problems BELIEVING that. I was just a kid…and NO ONE ever said otherwise.
After learning to say Mommy and Daddy…I am convinced the THIRD word I learned to speak was:
“Jimmy? Can you say COLLEGE?”
Even now—politicians constantly pound into the heads of our children:
“If you want a GOOD JOB…you have to graduate from college.”
I feel so dreadfully sorry for our children. They deserve SO much better.
When I took the Psychological Foundations of Education…in 1973… they had identified 122 different forms of intelligence.
I ALSO learned…”School work measures FOUR (4) of them!”
I just do the best I can…with what I’ve got.
I hope you have a wonderful morning, my friend.