Lives in A Happy World (2005–present) · 5y ·
Can I list the first few I can think of?
- Quora User seems like a really cool dude, I’d love to get to know him. He’s got a good outlook on most things, which I appreciate, and he always seems to know how to say things right. Everyone needs someone like him in their lives.
- Sage Mitsunari is so freaking awesome all the time! She’s a HP fan, an animal lover, and a straight out hottie in the non-creepy/totally platonic way. She seems like she’d be someone I’d call at two in the morning to talk about music and weird fanfiction and food and animals and whatever.
- Kiara Bay is the person I wanted and want to be: she’s witty, honest, happy, beautiful, clever, and seems like a great person. She’s not perfect, and that’s what I like about her. She acknowledges her mistakes and learns from them. That’s the best quality a friend can, in my opinion, have.
- Jai Rie is awesome, okay? She’s not very popular on here, but she’s got a heart of gold, and anyone who wants to disagree can go follow her anyways. She is so freaking sweet and amazing.
- Quora User writes in a way I admire so much. His writing style- honest, witty, free, true- struck me in the feels and inspired me to start writing, and I am eternally grateful for that. He has had such a life, and I would give anything to just sit down with him and talk with him and thank him for getting me to stay on Quora.
Honorable mentions: Sean Freeman, Quora User, User-13784884355181163209, NIKA, Quora User, and everyone else on Quora.
That’s all my exhausted brain can think of on the spot, please don’t hate me if I didn’t remember to add you to the list! I’m sorry!
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