You probably meant AKM, and not the original AK-47, because in case you didn’t realize it, the original AK-47 wasn’t actually made in huge number because they ran into serious problem with the production using stamped metal, most of the model ppl think of as AK-47 today are usually AKM, the one made in 1959 (after they finally fixed the problem with stamped metal (with good helping from Germany’s production) and is the one mass produced heavily around the world.
Anyway, to the point of the matter:
Russia themselves switched to AK-74 a long time ago, that probably already tells you the answer, granted they had multitude of reasons but yeah, you can draw your own conclusion from there.
So even the Russian army uses THIS:
And not THIS:
for quite some time already
They are also going to start moving to the new AK-12 and AK-15 in the future, though AK-74 isn’t going to be completely replaced (it probably cost too much for that) but yeah… AKM days are long over though you can still find them.