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The following is a summary of how the British engineered an ethnic conflict using imported Tamils to erase and uproot a world religion - Buddhism.

Here is a chronology is broken down by year. The details can be read by the links provided.

- By 1597, parts of Sri Lanka are occupied by the Portuguese. (Read note 1 below)

- By 1695, Virtually no Tamil population under Dutch occupation (Read note 2 below)

- By 1815, The British takes control and this happens.

It was then under the recommendations of the Colebrooke Commission, more precisely Colonel Scheider, that the Tamil labourers brought for road and rail construction, not be sent back to India but settled in isolation of the Sinhalese in Jaffna.

Also Colebrooke points out his reasons, why Jaffna is most suitable; as it can be used to create an "Exclusive Malabar Region". - Jaffna Tamil

- By 1881, The Tamil population grows to 687,200 -> Demographics of Sri Lanka - Wikipedia

- By 1890, The British rewrites the history of Sri Lanka. The Gotama Buddha history is removed from the island. The history of the Sinhala people is restricted to 2500 years.

This sets the stage for the state of “Tamil Eelam” that emerge next.

[The image shows the region where Gotama Buddha lived. A common misconception is that the Buddha visited the island from India. This shows what actually took place. He visited the region then known as “Lanka” from the eastern region of the island known as “Jambudipa”]

- By 1911, The Tamil population now exceeds a million. The Tamil population is 25% of the entire population. A half of the Tamil population i.e 12.5% has been settled in the North-East. The other 12.5% in the central hill region. The demography of the Tamils settled in the North-East where the Buddha lived is classified as “Native Ceylon Tamil” -> Demographics of Sri Lanka - Wikipedia.

- By 1922, The leader of the newly established “Native Ceylon Tamil” demands a separate state in this area -> Ramal Ratne's answer to What is wrong if Sinhalas rule Sri Lanka as they are in majority?

It has far higher aims in view, namely to keep alive and propagate these precious ideals throughout Ceylon, Southern India and the Tamil Colonies, to promote the union and solidarity of Tamilakam, the Tamil Land. We should keep alive and propagate these ideals throughout Ceylon and promote the union and solidarity of what we have been proud to call Tamil Eelam. - Arunachalam Ponnambalam– year 1922

- By 1949, The Tamil homeland theme continues with the next leader of Tamils -> Ramal Ratne's answer to What is the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka?

Before the advent of the European nations to Ceylon on the 16th century, the people of this Island had their own governments. But a fact that must give rise to deep thought on our minds is that for a number of centuries preceding the advent of the Portuguese, the people of Ceylon had divided themselves into two nations; the Singhalese speaking nation and the Tamil speaking nation.

- By 1977, The Tamil leader declares WAR on Sri Lanka to create a separate Tamil state. The idea receives overwhelming support from the Tamils.

And this Convention calls upon the Tamil Nation in general and the Tamil youth, in particular, to come forward to throw themselves fully into the sacred fight for freedom and to flinch not till the goal of a sovereign state of TAMIL EELAM is reached. - Vaddukkoaddai Resolution S.J.V. Chelvanayakam

- By 1980, The Indian government begins arming and military training Tamils in Sri Lanka.

Indira Gandhi "began to give support to Sri Lankan Tamil parties and Tamil militant groups from 1980 onwards" (page 15, “Assignment Colombo”, J.N Dixit).

TNA leader R Sampanthan told TNA parliamentarians, including ITAK leader Mavai Senathirajah and PLOTE leader Dharmalingam Siddharthan, that the ITAK did not oppose the Tamil armed struggle and even told then-Indian premier Indira Gandhi in the 1980s that Delhi should not allow the armed struggle to lose. - Uthayan

- By 1983, The Tamils bomb an army convoy that starts a war of separation.

In summary

The British wage war with the Sinhala people for over 12 years without success. They are camped in the lowlands.

The impasse ends when the British proposed a treaty. The Kandy chiefs hands over the administration with the condition Buddhism is protected.

Although soon after the British take over they begin erasing the island’s Buddhist roots whilst consolidating its power.

Gotama Buddha lived and spent all his life in the Northern and Eastern regions of the island. Large numbers of Tamils are settled here obscuring its history.

The ancestry of Tamils settled in the North-East has been hidden. The only way it becomes apparent is when one refers to the Dutch archives that occupied these areas before.

A new history is manufactured to indicate Buddha was born in Nepal. Over 6000 books and other manuscripts that prove history are taken from its people. This includes the original Buddhist Cannon.

A widely used chronicle Mahamavnsa in circulation is not the original but a copy left behind removing chapters that connect the Buddha history to the island. The original is still with the British.

The main factor that fuels the Tamil Homeland idea is the history deliberately hidden and fabricated by the British.

The region marked “Tamil Eelam” above are areas where Gotama Buddha walked the length and the breadth talking with Sinhala people.

The Tamil political leadership based in London and Colombo are assisted and encouraged by the British to seek political control over the lands that contain the heritage of the Buddha.

The Tamils do not have an affinity with Buddhism. As soon as the British leave the Tamils vandalise historical Buddhist sites, begin massacring Buddhist clergy and clashing with ordinary people.

The Tamils are responsible for leaving a trail of destruction in Sri Lanka for over 30 years. The human cost, economic cost and lost opportunities are incredible.

The widely held view Muslim invasions wiped out Buddhism in India is a hoax spread by the British. The British are using the Tamils to wipe out Buddhism

In 1949 the British leave the island removing the foundation of a religion followed by 520 million followers around the globe.

Why do some think discrimination of Tamils leads to a conflict? It’s all a hoax as described here.

Sri Lanka is taking baby steps after independence. The Tamil parties are constantly agitating. The issues raised are mostly plucked out of thin air as noted above.

Another less obvious fear drives the agitation even though the overall issue is loss of parity. There were early attempts to circumvent the situation by banning Tamil low caste people from voting. -> Ramal Ratne's answer to What is the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka?

Jambudipa and Photos from Kandy, Sri Lanka.

Note 1: The last Kingdom of Jaffna was the Sinhalese Kingdom just like the rest on the island. A majority of the population, the language used, the nobles and the queen were Sinhala. The ruler Sankili had Pandayan roots.

Note 2: The Dutch maps show Sinhala villages across the entire North-East in 1695. Thesavalamai law was codified 12 years later. It was most likely an incentive to attract Malabar (Tamils) to the area for work. Although this was pre-empted by the British Read the Population Fact Sheet.

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