NOTE: This is not a recommendation to purchase any books. I have no relationship, financial or otherwise with the authors, publisher, or retailers.
A list of books, with comments, and contributions from others. Inclusion on this site IN NO WAY suggests that we recommend it’s purchase. This is a site for contributors to share books, discuss them, an electronic book group, where we share via Quora what we cannot do in person.
Whenever possible, we supply links to free PDF versions of documents discussed here. Obviously, with a book that is still protected by copyright, this is not possible.
We also hope that young people, of all ages 6–106 will look here, and see HISTORY. Not History TV, or video games, but REAL history.
Besides our exchange and discussion of books in our little club, if just one person chooses to read one book of real history, we will have achieved one of the purposes set forth in our charter.