Deep satanic growling over the monitor. Seriously. A deep growling voice speaking unintelligibly, in a menacing tone. Then the sweet baby voice saying clearly ‘hi dere’.
A man was in the baby’s room!!
I was at my sisters house watching a movie while her baby daughter slept. When we heard the evil voice on the monitor we grabbed each other’s hands in shock and rushed up the stairs, my sister pausing to pick up her baseball bat. Breathing heavily with fear we listened outside the nursery door. The chattering was definitely coming from the baby’s room, evil deep voice and happy baby voice chattering incomprehensibly.
Something didn’t make sense, so, being the dumber braver sister, I poked my head carefully around the door. To my relief there was nobody there but the chubby adorable baby reaching upward, to a person who was not there! Horrified, we stepped into the room only to hear the deep menacing voice again. Gradually it dawned on us that the baby had two voices coming out of her tiny mouth and one was a growling voice. Was she possessed by demonic forces?
We stood over her cot while she smiled up at us happily.
”Who are you talking to baby?” My sister asked nervously.
”Daddy!” The baby replied, then made the growly voice again. It seems she was entertaining herself with a made up chat with her beloved daddy.
The awful thing was when her father got home and said ‘hi there’ in his deep gravelly voice we burst into shrieks of laughter. That baby did a great exaggerated impression of her dad’s voice. We were giggling for hours after that.