Studied at Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur (IITK) (Graduated 2017) · Updated 6y ·
Yes, you can get 80+ marks in SSC CGL Tier 3.
Tier 3 exam is a descriptive paper, which carry 100 marks.
It is a pen or paper mode exam.
If you want to get the 80+ marks in SSC CGL Descriptive paper then you should follow some preparation tips which are given below:
first you should check the topics that are generally asked in paper like
- Social Issues
- Finance & Economics Issues
- World Politics, Environment
- Science and Technology
- Government Schemes
You should check the complete details of SSC CGL Descriptive paper for better preparation.
Manage your time so that you can attempt complete paper.
I hope it will help you!!
Thank You!!
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