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Our planet is full of secrets that you may not even be aware of. And even the people that know about the secret places around the world don’t actually know what is happening in them; the only thing that we know is that they exist, their names, and a couple of pieces of information or assumptions. There are simply places that you will never have a likely chance to visit, and we have decided to point out the top seven forbidden places in the world.

#7 – Area 51

Area 51, otherwise known as Groom Lake, is a military base and airfield located in the south of Nevada. Over the years, the base has been used to experiment with certain aircrafts and weapons, though its primary focus at the moment is undetermined. The Central Intelligence Agency frequently refuses to say what is currently happening at Groom Lake, and because of this, many conspiracy theories have arisen regarding what is really happening in Area 51.

The most famous conspiracy theory is that they are examining crashed alien aircrafts and creating energy weapons. However, important experiments going on at Groom Lake prevents anyone from getting into the base zone. The entrance sign notes that deadly force will be used if a person chooses to enter Area 51.

#6 – Ise Grand Shrine

Ise Grand Shrine, otherwise known as the holiest Shinto shrine in Japan, dedicated to the sun goddess Amaterasu-omikami. The shrine can be found in the city of Ise. The other name for this holy place is Jingu, and is actually a complex of quite a few Shinto shrines, but the main focus is put on Naiku and Geku. The Inner Shrine, Naiku, is demolished and rebuilt every 20 years in order to symbolize the death and rebirth Shinto worshipers believe in (the last time it was rebuilt was this year). The only people allowed to enter the Ise Grand Shrine are the members of the Japanese imperial family.

#5 – Club 33

In case you didn’t know, there is a very secret place located in Disneyland. Club 33 is a private club, which can be found in the heart of the New Orleans Section of Disneyland. You can recognize the entrance of this club by an ornate plate with the number 33 engraved on it that is located on front of the door. It is known to be the only place in Disneyland that serves alcohol. To enter Club 33 one must get on a 14-year waiting list, and pay a fee of ten thousand dollars. Once you get into the club, you will have to pay anywhere from $3,500 to $6,000 annually for certain fees.

#4 – RAF Menwith Hell

This is a very well known British military base that has connections to the global ECHELON spy network. It is believed to be the biggest electronic monitoring station in the whole world. The base also serves as a ground station for many satellites, which are operated by the United States. Its primary focus when it was built was to watch out for the plans of the Soviet Union during the Cold War. However, since the war ended, it is believed that they have been investigating certain terrorist actions and drug trades around the world. The only people allowed to enter here are members of the NSA and ECHELON.

#3 – Vatican Secret Archives

Contrary to the popular belief, you can view any document that exists in the archives any time you please. However, entrance to the archives is strictly prohibited. The only thing you can do is submit a request for a document, and it will be delivered to you. The only documents you are not allowed to see are the ones that aren’t yet 75 years old. It is said that the archives host 52 miles of book shelving.

#2 – White’s Gentlemen’s Club

This is known as the most exclusive gentlemen’s club in all of United Kingdom, founded by Francis White towards the end of the 17

century. It was opened to serve the then newly-discovered hot chocolate, but has become an extremely private club over the years. Any female is prohibited from getting into the club, and the only male members who can enter are the ones that got an invite from an existing member that also has the support of two other members to do so.

#1 – Bureau 39

Otherwise known as Room 39, this place is a very secretive North Korean government organization that looks for ways to obtain foreign currency for the leader of North Korea. Bureau 39 was founded in the 1970s, and has been held as a really big secret ever since. Very little is known about this organization, including how it got its name. However, it is assumed that they are involved in a series of illegal activities, such as drug trafficking and weapon sales. Due to its secrecy, it is even unknown where it’s located. However, it is believed that its location is at the Workers’ Party building in the capital of North Korea, Pyongyang.

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