Below is a list of places that you can CANNOT ever visited. These are made off limits to public for various reasons ranging from security to keeping the global secrets.. well secret!
1. Room 39, North Korea – Kim Jong’s Secret Vault
It’s hard enough getting into North Korea, imagine trying to get into Room 39! It’s a secretive North Korean government facility that’s said to be home to several illegal operations including counterfeiting $100 bills, production of drugs (including methamphetamine and heroin) and international insurance fraud. Many claim that Room 39 is critical to Kim Jong’s continued power, enabling him to buy political support and fund North Korea’s nuclear weapons program. Yikes!
This one scares the hell out of me!
2. Snake Island, São Paulo – One bite of this vipers that can melt your flesh!
About 90 miles from the city of São Paulo lies Ilha de Queimada Grande, or “Snake Island” – a place so filled with venomous serpents that it’s been called one of the world’s deadliest islands! Scientists estimate that up to 4,000 snakes live on the 110-acre island – that’s one snake for every six square yards.
And these aren’t just any snakes. Queimada Grande is the only known home of the golden lancehead, one of the most venomous vipers in the world. Its venom is capable of melting human flesh! Currently, the Brazilian Navy bans civilians from this island, though scientists sometimes receive waivers.
It would be a good idea to keep a note of this ;)
3. Svalbard Global Seed Vault – You know where to go in case Apocalypse actually takes place
Built out of the fear that those sci-fi scenarios when the world comes to an end might come true, Svalbard Global Seed Vault, located in the North Sea is home to 250 million crop seeds shipped from gene banks worldwide. The estimated cost of this place exceeds $9 million dollars.
Unless you’re a designated researchers or plant breeders you’re not allowed inside the vault. If in case you ever enter the vault you’d be the only hope for agriculture during a polar ice cap melt or any other Earthly disaster!
Check out this blog for full list: 10 Places Around The World That You Can Only Visit Through Google Maps