Master's in Computer Science, The University of Texas at Austin (Graduated 2015) · Upvoted by , PhD Computer Science, Johns Hopkins University and , MS in CS from CMUAuthor has 859 answers and 13M answer views · 12y ·
- It's "just watered down EE" - I hate it when people say this... The majors are similar but not the same (and neither is a watered down version of the other!).
- The only people who study CS are socially inept nerds - I didn't say they didn't exist in CS, but not everyone is like that. I have seen so many diverse personalities in the people who study CS at my university; everything from sorority girls and frat guys to athletes to nerds to scouts to musicians and everything in between
- You only learn programming - Anyone who studies CS (or has a CS degree) will tell you this isn't true. You will take classes that involve programming and even some that don't involve programming at all (theory, discrete math, etc)
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